Dark chocolate-dipped berries

  • 5min
  • 2
  • 474 kcal
  • Easy
  • Paleo , Ketogenic , Gluten free , Dairy free

Per 158 g contains

474 kcal 1966 kj
33 g
19 g
23 g
0 g

of an adult's recommended intake.
Typical energy values per 100g: 1244kj/300kcal

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Authored by Peer reviewed by Gemma Grange
Originally published

A three-course dinner to boost libido: Dessert

A classic romantic dessert that no one can resist.

Cooking with your skills? We've produced a three-course menu full of nutrients that have been shown to improve libido. And no oysters in sight! To complete this menu, why not take a look at our recipes for a starter and main course too!


  • Mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries etc)
    200g 7oz
  • Good-quality dark chocolate (70-80%)
    150g 5.2oz
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Cooking Method

  1. Break the dark chocolate up into a microwaveable bowl. Microwave at 30-second intervals and stir until melted.
  2. Wash and prepare your berries.
  3. Once the chocolate is melted, dip the berries into the chocolate about ¾ of the way and then place on to a plate.
  4. Put plate in fridge and chill the berries for at least 20 minutes. Serve.

Nutritional Information

Typical Valuesper 100gper 158g serving
300 kcal
1244 kj
474 kcal
1966 kj
of which saturates
21 g
12 g
33 g
19 g
of which sugars
20 g
15 g
32 g
23 g
Fibre7.7 g
13.5 g
Protein4.3 g
6.9 g
Salt0 g
0 g

Dark chocolate

Chocolate is known to boost your mood and make you feel relaxed. This is down to a nutrient called phenethylamine which triggers feelgood hormones. Good-quality dark chocolate also contains antioxidants, which protect the body from harm. Dark chocolate still has sugar in it however, so enjoy it in moderation. 


Berries are also rich in antioxidants and zinc, "which helps to optimise blood flow to the sex organs," says nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville, author of Natural Alternatives to Sugar.

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