Sesame rainbow salad

  • 30min
  • 4
  • 317 kcal
  • Easy
  • Vegan
  • Soy , Sesame

Per 479 g contains

317 kcal 1314 kj
21 g
3.2 g
16 g
1.2 g

of an adult's recommended intake.
Typical energy values per 100g: 274kj/66kcal

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Authored by Peer reviewed by Rose Constantine Smith
Originally published

A bright and cheerful salad that will fill you up with energy.

This tasty lunch idea features all the colours of the rainbow, each of which has specific nutrients that help to build a healthy body. This salad is really pleasing to the eye and full of beneficial micronutrients that will keep you energised all day long.


For the rainbow salad
  • Red bell pepper
    400g 14oz
  • Yellow bell pepper
    400g 14oz
  • Cucumber
    300g 10oz
  • Fresh parsley
    15g 0.5oz
  • Romaine lettuce
    40g 2oz
  • Cherry tomatoes
    150g 5oz
  • Carrots
    150g 5oz
  • Kale
    100g 3.5oz
  • Watercress
    100g 3.5oz
  • Black olives
    50g 1.7oz
  • Chives
    60g 2oz
  • Olive oil
    5g 0.2oz
For the sesame dressing
  • Soy sauce
    14ml 0.1fl oz
  • Fresh ginger
    0.5oz 0.02oz
  • Rice wine vinegar
    45ml 1.58fl oz
  • Sesame seeds
    30g 1oz
  • Agave
    4.9ml 0.17oz
  • Olive oil
    15g 0.5oz
  • Sesame oil
    30ml 1oz
Show all

Cooking Method

  1. Wash and dry the romaine lettuce; then chop it into strips and create a bed of lettuce in each bowl.
  2. Wash and slice the bell peppers into very thin strips; then cut them into small cubes.
  3. Mix the diced yellow and red bell peppers and place in each bowl.
  4. Wash and cut the ends off the cucumber; then cut into 1 cm wide strips and cube them. Add to the bowl.
  5. Wash and de-stem the kale before placing in a large, separate bowl.
  6. Use some of the olive oil to massage into the kale to soften it. Then add this to the bowls.
  7. Wash and grate the carrot and add to each of the serving bowls, along with the watercress.
  8. Wash the cherry tomatoes and cut them into quarters. Add to the bowls.
  9. Next, slice the olives and finely chop the chives for the topping. Set aside.
  10. Add all of the sauce ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.
  11. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and garnish with olives and chives.

Nutritional Information

Typical Valuesper 100gper 479g serving
66 kcal
274 kj
317 kcal
1314 kj
of which saturates
4.5 g
0.7 g
21 g
3.2 g
of which sugars
3.6 g
3.4 g
17 g
16 g
Fibre2.2 g
10 g
Protein1.5 g
7.3 g
Salt0.3 g
1.2 g

Sesame seeds

These tiny seeds contain a lot of nutritional benefits, such as vitamin B6, vitamin E and folate. They may also aid in digestion, as they are full of fibre, so useful for those with IBS

Bell peppers

Colourful and sweet, bell peppers contain beta carotenes (a chemical common in colourful fruits and vegetables) that will fill you with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory benefits. The low levels of capsicum in bell peppers also aid in reducing 'bad' cholesterol and in pain relief. 

Fresh ginger

Ginger is most commonly known for its abilities to reduce nausea in those who eat it, as well as some types of muscle pain and soreness.  


Cucumbers are very low in calories, but very high in nutritional benefit. They're an incredibly hydrating fruit (96% water) and this added hydration in your diet promotes regular bowel movements. Potentially very helpful for those with IBS.

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