Professional Reference articles are designed for health professionals to use. They are written by UK doctors and based on research evidence, UK and European Guidelines. You may find one of our health articles more useful.
Treatment of almost all medical conditions has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. NICE has issued rapid update guidelines in relation to many of these. This guidance is changing frequently. Please visit to see if there is temporary guidance issued by NICE in relation to the management of this condition, which may vary from the information given below.
We use a number of abbreviations in our medical reference articles. The following table provides each abbreviation in full.
% abv | percentage alcohol by volume |
ac | ante cibum (before food) |
AIIRA | angiotensin-II receptor antagonist |
AAFB | acid-alcohol fast bacilli |
AAS | atomic absorbance spectrophotometry |
Ab | antibody |
ABC | abacavir |
ABG | arterial blood gasses |
ABPI | ankle brachial pressure index |
ABR | auditory brainstem response |
ACBS | Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances |
ACDP | Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens |
ACE | angiotensin-converting enzyme |
ACEI | angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor |
aCL | anticardiolipin |
ACR | albumin:creatinine ratio |
ACT | artemisinin-based combination therapy |
ACTH | adrenocorticotrophic hormone |
ADH | antidiuretic hormone |
AECG | ambulatory electrocardiography |
AED | automated external defibrillators |
AF | atrial fibrillation |
AFE | amniotic fluid embolism |
AFP | alpha-fetoprotein |
AGXT | alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase |
AIDS | acquired immune deficiency syndrome |
AIO | Ambulance Incident Officer |
AJ | ankle jerk |
ALF | acute liver failure |
ALS | amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
AMAs | anti-mitochondrial antibodies |
AMH | anti-Müllerian hormone |
AMHP | Approved Mental Health Professional |
ANA | antinuclear antibody |
ANCA | antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody |
Anti-GBM | antiglomerular basement membrane antibody |
anti-RNP | antibodies to ribonucleoprotein |
anti-U1-RNP | anti-U1-ribonucleoprotein |
a-NVH | asymptomatic non-visible haematuria |
AP | anteroposterior |
aPL | antiphospholipid |
aPPT | activated partial thromboplastin time |
APT | adaptive pacing therapy |
APUD | amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation |
AR | ankle reflex |
ARB | angiotensin receptor blocker |
ARC | AIDS-related complex |
ARDS | acute/adult respiratory distress syndrome |
ARR | absolute risk reduction |
ART | assisted reproduction technique |
ARVC | arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy |
ASD | autistic spectrum disorder |
ASW | approved social worker |
ASTRAL | Angioplasty and Stent for Renal Artery Lesions |
ATC | around the clock |
ATRA | all-trans retinoic acid |
AVJRT | atrioventricular junctional re-entry tachycardia |
AVNRT | atrioventricular nodal re-entry tachycardia |
AVNT | atrioventricular nodal tachycardia |
AZOOR | acute zonal occult outer retinopathy |
BAER | brainstem auditory evoked response |
BAL | bronchoalveolar lavage |
BALT | bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue |
BAN | British Approved Name |
BCBV | Better Care Better Value |
BCG | Bacille Calmette-Guérin |
BCh | Bachelor of Surgery |
bd | bis di twice daily |
BDD | body dysmorphic disorder |
BHR | bronchial hyperresponsiveness |
BiPAP | bilevel positive airway pressure |
BJ | biceps jerk |
BM | Bachelor of Medicine |
BMA | British Medical Association |
BMD | bone mineral density |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BMJ | British Medical Journal |
BMedSci | Bachelor of Medical Sciences |
BMM | behavioural migraine management |
BMS | bare metal stent |
BMT | bone marrow transplantation |
BMZ | basement membrane zone |
BNF | British National Formulary |
BNP | brain natriuretic peptide |
BP | blood pressure |
BPharm | Bachelor of Pharmacy |
bpm | beats per minute |
BPP | biophysical profile |
BR | biceps reflex |
BRA | bilateral renal agenesis |
BRI | building-related illness |
BSAP | bone-specific alkaline phosphatase |
BSE | bovine spongiform encephalopathy |
BS MB | Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Medicine |
BSO | bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |
C1-INH | C1-inhibitor antigenic protein |
Ca | carcinoma |
CA | carbohydrate antigen |
CABG | coronary artery bypass graft |
CAD | computer-aided detection |
CA-MRSA | community-acquired MRSA |
cANCA | classical antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies |
CAPD | continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis |
CAPS | catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome |
CaSR | calcium-sensitive receptor |
CAT | cognitive analytic therapy |
cc | cum cibo (with food) |
CCDC | consultant in communicable disease control |
CCF | congestive cardiac failure |
CCGR | complete cytogenetic remission |
CCP | cyclic citrullinated peptide |
CCPD | continuous cycler-assisted peritoneal dialysis |
CCU | coronary care unit |
CDCR | conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy |
CDI | Children's Depression Inventory |
CDI | cranial diabetes insipidus |
CDT | cardiotocograph |
CEA | carcinoembryonic antigen |
CER | control event rate |
CES | Center for Epidemiologic Studies |
CES | cauda equina syndrome |
CES-D | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale |
CF | complement fixation |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon |
CfI | Centre for Infections |
cfu | colony-forming unit |
CFS | chronic fatigue syndrome |
CFTR | cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator |
CHAOS | congenital high upper airway obstruction syndrome |
CHART | continuous hyperfractionated accelerated radiotherapy |
CHB | complete heart block |
CHC | Community Health Council |
CHD | coronary heart disease |
CHM | Commission on Human Medicines |
CHMP | Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use |
CI | confidence interval |
CIRCI | critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency |
CIS | carcinoma in situ |
cm | centimetre |
CMACE | Centre for Maternal and Child Enquiries |
CNS | central nervous system |
CNV | choroidal neovascularisation |
COAD | chronic obstructive airways disease |
COCP | combined oral contraceptive pill |
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
COMT | catechol-O-methyltransferase |
COSHH | Committee on Substances Hazardous to Health |
COT | Consultation Observation Tool |
CMP | casual male partner |
CPAP | continuous positive airway pressure |
CPD | continuing professional development |
CQC | Care Quality Commission |
CRP | C-reactive protein |
CRT | cardiac resynchronisation therapy |
CSDD | Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia |
CSE | combined spinal-epidural |
CSII | continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion |
CSSD | central sterile supply department |
CSSRs | councils with social services responsibilities |
CT | computed tomography |
CTG | cardiotocograph |
CTPA | computed tomography pulmonary angiogram |
CTR | cardiothoracic ratio |
CTSI | computed tomography severity index |
CUP | carcinoma of unknown primary |
CVE/CVA | cerebrovascular event/cerebrovascular accident |
CVP | central venous pressure |
CVS | chorionic villus biopsy |
CXR | chest X-ray |
DA | Diploma in Anaesthetics |
DABA | dual action bone agent |
DAT | direct antiglobulin test |
db HL | decibels hearing loss |
DCD | developmental co-ordination disorder |
DCG | dacryocystogram |
DCh | Doctor of Surgery |
DCH | Diploma in Child Health |
DCIS | ductal carcinoma in situ |
DCP | Diploma in Clinical Pathology |
DCR | dacryocystorhinostomy |
dcSSC | diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis |
DDH | developmental dysplasia of the hip |
DDS | Doctor of Dental Surgery |
DEN | Doctor's Educational Need |
DES | drug-eluting stent |
DEXA | dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry |
DFA | direct fluorescent antibody |
DFHom | Diploma of the Faculty of Homeopathy |
DFM | Diploma in Forensic Medicine |
DFSA | drug-facilitated sexual assault |
dGEMRIC | gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage |
DGM | Diploma in Geriatric Medicine |
DGO | Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics |
DHEA | dehydroepiandrosterone |
DIC | disseminated intravascular coagulation |
DIF | direct immunofluorescence |
DIP | distal interphalangeal |
Dip GU Med | Diploma in Genitourinary Medicine |
dL | decilitre |
DLBCL | diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
DLCO | diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide |
DM | diabetes mellitus |
DMARD | disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug |
DMR | Diploma in Medical Radiology |
DMSA | dimercaptosuccinic acid |
DO | Diploma in Ophthalmology |
DObst | Diploma in Obstetrics |
DOT | directly observed therapy |
DPath | Diploma in Pathology |
DPF | Dental Practitioners' Formulary |
DPH | Diploma in Public Health |
DPhil | Doctor of Philosophy |
DPhysMed | Diploma in Physical Medicine |
DPM | Diploma in Psychological Medicine |
DQ | developmental quotient |
DR | Diploma in Radiology |
DRCOG | Diploma Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
DRCPath | Diploma Royal College of Pathologists |
DRESS | Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms |
DREZ | dorsal root entry zone |
DS | Doctor of Surgery |
DSP | digital signal processing |
DTs | delirium tremens |
DTaP | diphtheria (D), tetanus (T) and acellular pertussis (aP) |
DTB | Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin |
DXR | digital X-ray radiogrammetry |
e/c | enteric-coated |
EBL | estimated blood loss |
EBM | evidence-based medicine |
EBNA | EBV nuclear antigen |
EBUS TBNA | endobronchial US-guided transbronchial needle aspiration |
ECMO | extracorporeal membrane oxygenation |
ECT | electroconvulsive therapy |
ECV | external cephalic version |
EDAMS | encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis |
EDC | estimated date of confinement |
EDD | expected date of delivery |
EDS | excessive daytime sleepiness |
EER | experimental event rate |
EFWC | electrolyte-free water clearance |
eGFR | estimated glomerular filtration rate |
EIA | enzyme immunoassay |
ELISA | enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay |
EMA | endomysial antibodies |
EMDA | electromotive drug administration |
EMDAS | encephalomyoduroarteriosynangiosis |
EMG | electromyography |
ENG | electronystagmography |
eod | every other day |
EOG | electro-oculogram |
ePACT | electronic Prescribing Analysis and Cost Tool |
EPDS | Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale |
ePFIP | electronic Prescribing and Financial Information for Practices |
EPO | erythropoietin |
EPSEs | extra-pyramidal side-effects |
ER | (o)estrogen receptor |
ERCP | endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography |
ERG | electroretinography |
ERP | exposure and relapse prevention |
ERT | enzyme replacement therapy |
ESBL | extended-spectrum beta-lactamase |
ESES | electrical status epilepticus in sleep |
ESR | erythrocyte sedimentation rate |
ESWL | extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy |
EUA | examination under anaesthesia |
EUS | endoscopic ultrasonography |
EVAR | endovascular aneurysm/aortic repair |
f/c | film-coated |
FAP | familial adenomatous polyposis |
FAMM | familial atypical mole and melanoma |
FAST | F ace A rm S peech T est |
FBC | full blood count |
FDG | fluorodeoxyglucose |
FDG-PET | fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography |
FEIA | fluorescent enzyme immunoassay |
FENa | fractional excretion of sodium |
FEUrea | fractional excretion of urea |
FEV1 | forced expiratory volume in one second |
FFA | Fellow Faculty of Anaesthetists |
FFCM | Fellow Faculty of Community Medicine |
FFDM | full-field digital mammography |
FFFP | Fellow of the Faculty of Family Planning |
FFHom | Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy |
FFPath | Fellow Faculty of Pathology |
FFPHM | Fellow Faculty of Public Health Medicine |
FFR | Fellow Faculty of Radiologists |
FISH | dual fluorescence in situ hybridisation |
FLA-ABS | fluorescent antibody absorption test |
fl oz | fluid ounce |
FMRP | fragile X mental retardation protein |
FNA | fine-needle aspiration |
FNAC | fine-needle aspiration cytology |
FPR | false positive rate |
FRCA | Fellow Royal College of Anaesthetists |
FRCGP | Fellow Royal College of General Practitioners |
FRCOG | Fellow Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
FRCOphth | Fellow Royal College of Ophthalmology |
FRCPath | Fellow Royal College of Pathologists |
FRCPS | Fellow Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons |
FRCPsych | Fellow Royal College of Psychiatrists |
FRCR | Fellow Royal College of Radiologists |
FRCS | Fellow Royal College of Surgeons |
FRS | Fellow of the Royal Society |
FRSH | Fellow Royal Society of Health |
FSE | fetal scalp electrode |
FSH | follicle-stimulating hormone |
FVC | forced vital capacity |
> | greater than |
g | gram |
GA | general anaesthetic |
GABS | Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus |
GAD | glutamic acid decarboxylase |
GALC | galactosylceramidase |
GALT | gut-associated lymphoid tissue |
GARS | gait abnormality rating scale |
GBM | glomerular basement membrane |
GCA | giant cell arteritis |
G-CSF | granulocyte colony-stimulating factor |
GDM | gestational diabetes mellitus |
GDS | Geriatric Depression Scale |
GHRH | growth hormone-releasing hormone |
GIFT | gamete intrafallopian transfer |
GIST | gastrointestinal stromal tumour |
GIT | gastrointestinal tract |
GP | General Practitioner |
GPi | globus pallidus interna |
GR | glucocorticoid receptor |
GRBAS | Grade, Roughness, Breathy voice, Asthenia and Strain |
GREG | guideline recommendation and evidence grading |
GVHD | graft-versus-host disease |
HA-MRSA | hospital-acquired MRSA |
HAART | highly active antiretroviral therapy |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points |
HAM | HTLV-1-associated myelopathy |
HaNDL | headache and neurological deficits + CSF lymphocytosis |
HAV | hepatitis A virus |
HAVS | hand-arm vibration syndrome |
HBcAg | hepatitis B core antigen |
HBeAg | hepatitis B e antigen |
HBsAg | hepatitis B surface antigen |
HCTD | hereditary connective tissue disorders |
HDCV | human diploid cell vaccine |
HFNEF | heart failure with a normal ejection fraction |
HFPSF | heart failure with preserved systolic function |
HGPRT | hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyltransferase |
Hib | Haemophilus influenzae type b |
HIDA | hepatobiliary imino-diacetic acid |
HIFU | high-intensity focused ultrasound |
HNIG | human normal immunoglobulin |
HNPP | hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies |
HOCM | hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy |
HoLEP | holmium laser enucleation of the prostate |
HONK | hyperosmolar non-ketotic coma |
HOOF | Home Oxygen Order Form |
HPA CHaPD | HPA Chemical Hazards and Poisons Division |
HPA NPIS | HPA National Poisons Information Service |
HPN | home parenteral nutrition |
HPU | Health Protection Unit |
HRCT | high-resolution CT |
HRV | heart rate variability |
HSC | Health and Social Care |
hs-CRP | high-sensitivity C-reactive protein |
HSG | hysterosalpingogram |
HTLV-1 | human T-cell leukaemia virus type 1 |
HVA | homovanillic acid |
HVPG | hepatic venous pressure gradient |
HYVET | HY pertension in the V ery E lderly T rial |
Hz | hertz |
IABP | intra-aortic balloon pump counterpulsation |
ICAM-1 | intercellular adhesion molecule-1 |
ICAS | Independent Complaints Advocacy Services |
ICD | implantable cardiac defibrillator |
ICHD | International Classification of Headache Disorders |
ICP | intracranial pressure |
ICP-MS | inductively-coupled plasma-mass spectrometry |
ICS | intercostal space |
ICSI | intracytoplasmic sperm injection |
ICU | intensive care unit |
IDDM | insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
IDIF | indirect immunofluorescence |
IE | infective endocarditis |
IFN-gamma | interferon-gamma |
IGF-I | insulin-like growth factor-I |
IGFBP-3 | insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 |
IGT | impaired glucose tolerance |
IHD | ischaemic heart disease |
IM | intramuscular/ly |
IMB | intermenstrual bleeding |
IMiD | immunomodulatory drug |
IPPV | intermittent positive pressure ventilation |
IPR | impaired polysaccharide responsiveness |
IPV | inactivated polio vaccine |
IQCODE | Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly |
IRMA | intraretinal microvascular abnormality |
IRT | immunoreactive trypsinogen |
ISS | Injury Severity Score |
IUCD | intrauterine contraceptive device |
IUI | intrauterine insemination |
in vivo | within the living |
IVF-ET | in vitro fertilisation and embryo transfer |
IVIG | intravenous immunoglobulin |
IVII | IV insulin infusion |
IVP | intravenous pyelogram |
IVRA | intravenous regional anaesthesia |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
JCVI | Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation |
JVP | jugular venous pressure |
kcal | kilocalorie |
kg | kilogram |
KJ | knee jerk |
KOH | potassium hydroxide |
KR | knee reflex |
KTP | potassium titanyl phosphate |
< | less than |
L | litre |
LA | local anaesthetic |
LA | lupus anticoagulant |
LABAs | long-acting beta2 agonists |
LACIs | lacunar infarcts |
LAIV | live attenuated influenza vaccine |
LAMB | lentigines, atrial myxoma, mucocutaneous myxoma, blue naevi |
LAP | leukocyte alkaline phosphatase |
LARC | long-acting reversible contraceptive |
LASEK | laser epithelial keratomileusis |
LASIK | laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis |
LAUP | laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty |
lb | pound |
LCR | ligase chain reaction |
LDH | lactate dehydrogenase |
LFHom | Licensed Associate of the Faculty of Homeopathy |
LFTs | liver function tests |
LGIB | lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding |
LH | luteinising hormone |
LHH | likelihood of being helped or harmed |
LHRHa | luteinising hormone-releasing hormone agonist |
LIF | left iliac fossa |
LINks | Local Involvement Networks |
LLETZ | large loop excision of the transformation zone |
LMA | laryngeal mask airway |
LMP | last menstrual period |
LMWH | low molecular weight heparin |
LOC | loss of consciousness |
LOD | laparoscopic ovarian 'drilling' |
LSCS | lower segment Caesarean section |
LSD | lysergic acid diethylamide |
LTK | laser thermal keratoplasty |
μg (mcg) | microgram |
m | metre |
m3 | cubic metre |
mm3 | cubic millimetre |
mm Hg | millimetre of mercury |
mol | mole |
m/r | modified-release |
MAC | membrane attack complex |
MALT | mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue |
MAOIs | monoamine oxidase inhibitors |
MBAcA | Member British Acupuncture Association |
MB BCh | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MB BChir | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MB BS | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MB ChB | Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery |
MBL | mannose-binding lectin |
MCAD | medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase |
MCh | mean corpuscular haemoglobin |
MCH | Master of Surgery |
MChir | Master of Surgery |
MChOrth | Master of Orthopaedic Surgery |
MCI | mild cognitive impairment |
MClinPsychol | Master of Clinical Psychology |
MCOT | mobile cardiac outpatient telemetry |
MCP | metacarpophalangeal |
MCR | major cytogenetic remission |
MC&S | microscopy, culture and sensitivity |
MCTD | mixed connective tissue disease |
MCUG | micturating cystourethrogram |
MCV | mean cell volume |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
MDR | multidrug-resistant |
MDT | multidrug therapy |
MEB | muscle-eye-brain (disease) |
MEL | maximum exposure limit |
MELD | model for end-stage liver disease |
MEN | multiple endocrine neoplasia |
MenC | meningitis C |
mEq | milliequivalent |
MERIT | Medical Emergency Response Incident Team |
MEWDS | multiple evanescent white dot syndrome |
MFCPU | multifocal choroiditis with panuveitis |
MFFP | Member Faculty of Family Planning |
MFHom | Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy |
MFOM | Member Faculty of Occupational Medicine |
MFPHM | Member Faculty of Public Health Medicine |
MFPR | multifetal pregnancy reduction |
mg | milligram |
MGUS | monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance |
miRNAs | microRNAs |
MID | multi-infarct dementia |
MIO | Medical Incident Officer |
MIS | Müllerian-inhibiting substance |
Mitf | microphthalmia transcription factor |
MJ | megajoule |
MKP | melanoma of known primary source |
mL | millilitre |
MMed | Master of Medicine |
MMedSci | Master of Medical Science |
MMR | measles, mumps and rubella |
MODY | maturity onset diabetes of the young |
MOH | medicine overuse headache |
MPIG | Minimum Practice Income Guarantee |
MR | modified release |
MRA | magnetic renal angiography |
MRCGP | Member Royal College of General Practitioners |
MRCOG | Member Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
MRCP | Member Royal College of Physicians |
MRCPath | Member Royal College of Pathologists |
MRCPsych | Member Royal College of Psychiatrists |
MRCS | Member Royal College of Surgeons |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MRCP | magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography |
MRSA | meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MRV | magnetic resonance venography |
MSAFP | maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein |
MSLT | multiple sleep latency test |
MSSA | meticillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus |
MSU | mid-stream specimen of urine |
MTCT | mother-to-child transmission |
MUA | manipulation under anaesthetic |
MUD | matched unrelated donor |
MUP | melanoma of unknown primary source |
MUGA | multiple-gated acquisition |
MUPS | medically unexplained physical symptoms |
MUS | medically unexplained symptoms |
MuSK | muscle-specific receptor tyrosine kinase |
Na | sodium |
NAAT | nucleic acid amplification test |
NABSA | nucleic acid sequence-based amplification technique |
NAC | N-acetylcysteine |
NAD | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide |
NADP | nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate |
NAME | naevi, atrial myxoma, myxoid neurofibroma and ephilides |
NASH | non-alcoholic steatohepatitis |
NaTHNaC | National Travel Health Network and Centre |
NBT | nitroblue tetrazolium |
NCS | nerve conduction studies |
NDI | nephrogenic diabetes insipidus |
NE | niacin equivalents |
NESP | novel erythropoiesis stimulating protein |
NICE | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence |
NICU | neonatal intensive care unit |
NIDDM | non insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus |
NISS | New Injury Severity Score |
NIV | non-invasive ventilation |
nL | nanolitre |
NNH | number needed to harm |
NNRTI | non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
NNT | number needed to treat |
NOIDs | Notifications of Infectious Diseases |
NPF | Nurse Prescribers' Formulary |
NPIS | National Poisons Information Service |
NPPV | noninvasive positive pressure ventilation |
NRTI | nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor |
NSAID | non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug |
NSE | neuron-specific enolase |
NSTACS | non-ST elevation acute coronary syndrome |
NSTEMI | non-ST segment elevation myocardial infarction |
NTD | neural tube defect |
NT-proBNP | N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide |
NVH | non-visible haematuria |
OAES | otoacoustic emissions screen |
OATS | osteoarticular transplantation |
OC&P | ova, cysts and parasites |
OCT | optical coherence tomography |
od | omni die (every day) |
OES | occupational exposure standard |
OGD | oesophagogastroduodenoscopy |
om | omni mane (every morning) |
OMIM | Online Mendelian Inheritence in Man |
on | omni nocte (every night) |
OTC | over-the-counter |
OGTT | oral glucose tolerance test |
OPCAB | off-pump coronary artery bypass |
OR | odds ratio |
ORIF | open reduction internal fixation |
PACG | primary angle closure glaucoma |
PACT | prescribing analysis and cost tabulation |
PAGE | polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis |
PAI | photoacoustic imaging |
PAIR | Puncture, Aspiration, Injection, Re-aspiration |
PALS | Patient Advice and Liaison Services |
PAM | proton pump inhibitor, amoxicillin, metronidazole |
PAPP-A | pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A |
PAPS | primary antiphospholipid syndrome |
PAS | periodic acid-Schiff |
PATH | Proteinuria/Antiphospholipid syndrome/Thrombocytopenia/Hypertension |
PBP | progressive bulbar palsy |
pc | post cibum (after food) |
PCB | post-coital bleeding |
PCC | Patient Client Council |
PCEC | purified chick embryo cell |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention |
PCNL | percutaneous nephrolithotomy |
PCNSL | primary central nervous system lymphoma |
PCOS | polycystic ovary syndrome |
PCR | polymerase chain reaction |
PCV | pneumococcal conjugate vaccine |
PCWP | pulmonary capillary wedge pressure |
PDA | patent ductus arteriosus |
PDD | pervasive developmental disorder |
PDL | pulsed dye laser |
PDT | photodynamic therapy |
PEA | pulseless electrical activity |
PECS | picture exchange communication system |
PEEP | positive end-expiratory pressure |
PEG | percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy |
PEP | post-exposure prophylaxis |
PEPSE | post-exposure prophylaxis after sexual exposure |
PERLA | pupils equal + react to light and accommodation |
PEST | psoriasis epidemiology screening tool |
PET | positron emission tomography |
PF(R) | peak flow (rate) |
PI | protease inhibitor |
PIC | punctate inner choroidopathy |
PICU | paediatric intensive care unit |
PIP | proximal interphalangeal |
PIVKA-II | protein induced from vitamin K absence |
PJRT | permanent junctional re-entrant tachycardia |
PLDH | pegylated liposomal doxorubicin hydrochloride |
PLHA | people living with HIV/AIDS |
PLMS | periodic limb movements of sleep |
PLP1 | proteolipid protein-1 |
PLS | primary lateral sclerosis |
PM | polymyositis |
PMA | progressive muscular atrophy |
PMETB | Postgraduate Medical Education Training Board |
PML | progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy |
PMN | polymorphonuclear |
PMR | polymyalgia rheumatica |
PND | postnasal drip |
po | per os by mouth |
POAG | primary open angle glaucoma |
POCT | point of care test |
POEM | Patient-oriented Eczema Measure |
POIC | progestogen-only injectable contraceptive |
PoM | prescription-only medication |
POP | plaster of Paris |
POSDI | progestogen-only subdermal implant |
POSE | primary obesity surgery, endoscopic |
POTS | postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome |
PP | pancreatic polypeptide |
PP | psychogenic polydipsia |
PPD | purified protein derivative |
PPE | personal protective equipment |
PPI | proton pump inhibitor |
ppm | parts per million |
PPRA-gamma | peroxisome proliferator-activated gamma |
PPROM | preterm, prelabour rupture of membranes |
PPV | pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine |
PR | progesterone receptor |
PRA | preoperative risk assessment |
PRL | prolactin |
prn | pro re nata (when required) |
PRNP | PR ioN P rotein |
PRP | polyribosyl ribitol phosphate |
PS | polysomnography |
PSA | prostate specific antigen |
PSVT | paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia |
PT | prothrombin time |
PTA | polymyxin/tobramycin/amphotericin |
PTBD | percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage |
PTCA | percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PTH | parathyroid hormone |
PTRAA | percutaneous transluminal renal artery angioplasty |
PTX | pneumothorax |
PUFA | polyunsaturated fatty acid |
PUNS | Patient's Unmet Needs |
PUO | pyrexia of unknown origin |
PVA | polyvinyl alcohol |
PVS | persistent vegetative state |
qad | quoque alternis die (every other day) |
qam | quaque die ante meridiem (every day before noon) |
qd | quaque die (every day) |
qds | quater die sumendum (to be taken four times daily) |
qh | quaque hora (every hour) |
qhs | quaque hora somni (every night at bedtime) |
qid | quattuor in die (four times a day) |
qod | every other day |
qpm | quaque die post meridiem (every day after noon) |
qqh | quarta quaque hora (every four hours) |
® | registered trademark |
RAADP | routine antenatal anti-D prophylaxis |
RADS | Reynolds' Adolescent Depression Scale |
RAEB | refractory anaemia with excess blasts |
RAEBt | refractory anaemia with excess blasts in transformation |
RAPD | relevant afferent pupil defect |
RARS | refractory anaemia with ringed sideroblasts |
RAS | renin angiotensin system |
RAST | radioallergosorbent test |
RCA | root cause analysis |
RCDS | Reynolds' Child Depression Scale |
RCGP | Royal College of General Practitioners |
RCN | Royal College of Nursing |
RCOG | Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
RCT | randomised controlled trial |
RDS | respiratory distress syndrome |
RDT | rapid diagnostic test |
REBT | rational emotive behavioural therapy |
REE | resting energy expenditure |
rFVIIa | recombinant activated factor VIIa |
rHA | recombinant haemagglutinin |
rhG-CSF | recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor |
rHuEPO | recombinant human erythropoietin |
RICE | Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation |
RIF | right iliac fossa |
RIFLE | Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss, End-stage kidney disease |
RIMA | Reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase type A |
rINN | Recommended International Non-proprietary Name |
RLS | restless legs syndrome |
RMO | responsible medical officer |
rNA | recombinant neuraminidase |
RPGN | rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis |
RPR | rapid plasmin reagin |
RPS19 | small ribosomal protein 19 |
RPSGB | Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain |
RRR | relative risk reduction |
RSI | repetitive strain injury |
RTA | renal tubular acidosis |
RUQ | right upper quadrant |
RVOT | right ventricular outflow tract |
s/c | sugar-coated |
SABRE | serious and adverse blood reactions and events |
SAD | seasonal affective disorder |
SAD | social anxiety disorder |
SAH | subarachnoid haemorrhage |
SALT | skin-associated lymphoid tissue |
SBE | subacute bacterial endocarditis |
SCD | sudden cardiac death |
SCHIN | Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle |
SCID | severe combined immune deficiency |
SCS | spinal cord stimulation |
SCT | supervised community treatment |
SEGA | subependymal giant cell astrocytoma |
SEN | subependymal nodule |
SERMs | selective (o)estrogen receptor modulators |
SFH | symphyseal fundal height |
SGA | small for gestational age |
SHOX | stature homeobox-containing gene |
SHS | sexual health screen |
SIGN | Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network |
SIRS | systemic inflammatory response syndrome |
SITREP | situation report |
SJ | supinator jerk |
SLE | systemic lupus erythematosus |
SLR | straight leg raise |
SLS | selected list scheme |
SMC | Scottish Medicines Consortium |
SNOMED | Standardised Nomenclature of Medicine |
SNRIs | serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors |
s-NVH | symptomatic non-visible haematuria |
SOCOs | Scene of Crime Officers |
SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics |
SPECT | single-photon emission computed tomography scanning |
SpR | Specialist Registrar |
SPRM | selective progesterone receptor modulator |
SR | supinator reflex |
SRS | somatostatin receptor scintigraphy |
SRT | structured reflective template |
SSRI | selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor |
SSS | subclavian steal syndrome |
START | Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment |
stat | statim (immediately) |
STEMI | ST segment elevation myocardial infarction |
STN | subthalamic nucleus |
STOPP | Screening Tool of Older Persons Prescriptions |
SURUSS | Serum Urine and Ultrasound Screening Study |
SVTs | supraventricular tachycardias |
SXA | single energy X-ray absorptiometry |
SXR | skull X-ray |
TACE | transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation |
TAPP | transabdominal preperitoneal |
TATTS | tired all the time syndrome |
TBSA | total burn surface area |
TDF | tenofovir DF |
Td/IPV | tetanus, diphtheria and polio |
tds | ter die sumendum (to be taken three days daily) |
TEE | transoesophageal echocardiography |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
TEP | totally extraperitoneal |
TESE | testicular sperm extraction |
TEVAR | thoracic endovascular aneurysm/aortic repair |
TIA | transient ischaemic attack |
tid | ter in die (three times daily) |
TIPS | transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt |
TIVAS | totally implantable venous access system |
tiw | three times a week |
TJ | triceps jerk |
TKI | tyrosine kinase inhibitor |
TLC | total lung capacity |
TMS | transcranial magnetic stimulation |
TNA | transient neurological attack |
TOP | termination of pregnancy |
tPA | tissue plasminogen activator |
TPN | total parenteral nutrition |
TR | triceps reflex |
TRALI | transfusion-related acute lung injury |
TRISS | Trauma and Injury Severity Score |
TRT | tinnitus retraining therapy |
TSE | transmissible spongiform encephalopathy |
TSH | thyroid-stimulating hormone |
TSS | toxic shock syndrome |
TTE | transthoracic echocardiography |
tTG | tissue transglutaminase |
TUIP | transurethral incision of the prostate |
TURP | transurethral resection of the prostate |
TUVP | transurethral vaporisation of the prostate |
TYM | Test Your Memory |
U&E | urea and electrolytes |
UCTD | unclassified connective tissue disorder |
ud | ut dictum (as directed) |
UGIB | upper gastrointestinal bleeding |
ULN | upper limit of normal |
UPD | uniparental disomy |
UPPP | uvelopalatopharyngoplasty |
UPSI | unprotected sexual intercourse |
URA | unilateral renal agenesis |
VATS | video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery |
VCA | viral capsid antigen |
VEP | visual evoked potential |
VF | ventricular fibrillation |
VGCC | voltage-gated calcium channel |
VH | visible haematuria |
VIP | vasoactive intestinal polypeptide |
VLCFA | very long chain fatty acids |
VLDL | very low-density lipoprotein |
VMA | vanillylmandelic acid |
VPI | velopharyngeal insufficiency |
VT | ventricular tachycardia |
VTEC O157 | verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 |
WASP | Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein |
WATCH | Working Group on the Assessment of Toxic Chemicals |
WBH-DTI | whole-brain histogram of diffusion tensor imaging |
WCC | white cell count |
WHO | World Health Organization |
WLL | whole-lung lavage |
WRIGHT | WHO Research into global hazards of travel |
XDR | extensively drug-resistant |
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Z |