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I was on fluoxetine last christmas, and had an awful reaction when they started kicking in, I ended up in hospital with rashes and unable to breathe etc: after a few days the steroids helped enough so i could go home, but ever since then my joints have been so painful and my fatigue so bad I'm not classed as disabled.
I've never known anyone to be allergic to their meds like I was. Has anyone else heard of/experienced this before? I'm asking my doctor soon for an allergy test because i want to be put back on anti depressants, they havent let me since the reaction.
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mrsmop celematy
I haven't read it all, but I rather hoped it might help you.
celematy mrsmop
mrsmop celematy
This lists the side effects and contra-indications
mrsmop celematy
GeorgiaS celematy
celematy GeorgiaS
It turns out I have fibromyalgia! so I'm in a similar boat to you. I hope your CFS/ME isn't too bad.
dinky_dee celematy
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz celematy
I am in a similar situation to you and I found your post because I am also searching for answers.
I took fluoxetine for 2.5 weeks before I reacted. My face swelled up in a hives like rash. I ceased taking the fluoxetine and took cortisone to abate the reaction. Cortisone is an amazingly effective drug but I only use it in emergencies like when my eyes are swelling shut because it makes me very aggressive.
I have a long history of depression and have taken various anti-depressants, on and off, since about 20 years ago.
3 years ago I was suddenly struck down with debilitating allergy symptoms completely out of the blue. Long story short, I discovered that I am salicylate sensitive. It took over a year to work it out and I couldn't have done it without the help of a research team at the University of Sydney allergy unit. It was a long, dedicated process. Unfortunately, there isn't a simple 'test' like a skin prick test to work out all allergies.
Since that year I have not taken any antidepressants because my doctors and I were all strongly suspicious that I would react to them. I did try a melatonin based drug which I didn't have an allergic reaction to but it simply didn't help the depression at all.
About 1 month ago, out of desperation, we decided to try fluoxetine (chosen because it could be stopped abruptly if required). It seems I am allergic to the ssri group of antidepressants which are the only ones which work for me. Bugger!
It's a big 'Catch 22'. I'm allergic to the antidepressants KNOWN to help me. And my depression is becoming debilitating... again....what to do, what to do??
So, hopefully this is some kind of consolation to you Celematy, at least knowing that you're not alone. I'm sorry I couldn't offer you any answers but perhaps my journey might assist.
Good luck on your journey and I dearly hope that both you and I find something effective to help lift the black cloud. Not just for us but for the other people in our lives.
celematy Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Its been a while since I've actually looked at this thread, and me and my new GP have decided I'm also allergic to SSRI's, so we havent even thought about trying any more. I'm currently on Trazodone, and that helps enough to stop me panicking about deadlines etc. They take a long time getting used to though, it took me like 6-8 weeks and a dosage increase to get them working. I hope you find some that actually help you!! Depression is super not fun, and the reaction I had to fluoxetine actually caused my fibromyalgia (which had been easily managable and i didnt even have a diagnosis until recently) to get a lot worse. Please feel free to message me if you wanna chat more about medications (:
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz celematy
Best wishes with your fibromyalgia - that's a pretty awful one but you sound like you're managing it well.
I'll post my results in a couple of months - wish me luck!
celematy Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Yeah my fibro is still rather mild compared to others that I know, but it still stops me from doing things I wish I could. I'm managing as best I can though, which is all you can do with these things!
Good luck! I hope everything works out for you (:
Tonyathan Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
God Bless
celematy Tonyathan
Hi! you're lucky I still use the same email :P
once my reaction cleared up, it triggered my fibromyalgia, which was a big issue for a long time but now I can manage it. If you're looking for another antidepressant - i used Trazodone for a few years after, and that really settled me down, as well as a change in circumstance with home and counseling and stuff. I'm not on meds anymore and pretty happy!! they're pretty mild compared to fluoxetine and others but they really helped me when I needed to level out and work through some stuff. I hope they help you too!!! <3
fred48109 celematy
jan 2015 started same medication,stopped as severe reaction after 4 weeks
heavy scratching all over body even head,ever since have had this
doctors dont seem to know what it is,but iam convinced its that what started this,iam 67 and never had anything like this,its constant
not as bad as was then,but use antihysamine pills,dont stop but do help.
this tells me is set of some sort of allergy now,,but to what,tried food changes nothing seems to differ it
may be cheese and milk??
how long will this last, have a rash on chest most times,
celematy fred48109
Mine lasted until I was on heavy steroids for about 6 weeks. I still get symptoms now and again and whenever I have an itch its severe, anti-histamines helped me but I don't take them anymore bc of the cost.
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