Professional Reference articles are designed for health professionals to use. They are written by UK doctors and based on research evidence, UK and European Guidelines. You may find one of our health articles more useful.
Read COVID-19 guidance from NICE
Treatment of almost all medical conditions has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. NICE has issued rapid update guidelines in relation to many of these. This guidance is changing frequently. Please visit to see if there is temporary guidance issued by NICE in relation to the management of this condition, which may vary from the information given below.
The vast majority of skin tumours are benign. There are a few very common benign skin tumours. It is very common for doctors to be asked about such lesions and very often advice is sought when consulting about something else (or quite often outside formal consultation).
Assess the history of the lesion's appearance and growth.
Carefully examine the lesion. Allow the appropriate time, light and perhaps magnification, to identify such tumours correctly.
Have sufficient knowledge to differentiate these from skin cancers and particularly malignant skin tumours.
Be aware of the limits of one's knowledge in this field.
Consider the amount of sun exposure the patient is generally subjected to (eg, people who work mainly outside) and the site of the lesion (cancers are more likely on sun-exposed areas, such as the face).
Refer for diagnosis or biopsy lesions where there is any uncertainty of their nature. See the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance - under 'Referral', below.
Experience in Australia, the country with the world's highest incidence of skin cancer, shows that adequately trained primary care practitioners in open-access skin cancer clinics can diagnose a wide range of skin lesions, with high specificity and moderate-to-high sensitivity.
It can be useful to divide skin lesions into the following categories:
Macular or slightly raised (papular) lesions.
Frankly papular lesions.
Lesions beneath the epidermis (not related to bony or deeper structures).
It must be borne in mind that such a schema works only for common benign skin lesions and that there are many rarer lesions that will present differently. If the diagnosis is unclear, or the lesion has an atypical appearance, dermatological referral and/or biopsy of the lesion should be considered.
These can be defined as circumscribed, well-defined congenital lesions, also known as moles.
They appear and evolve from the age of 2 years up to 60 years. They are more common on the head, neck and trunk.
Only very rarely do they undergo malignant change.
There is a great deal of variability in size, shape and amount of hair present. Naevomelanocytic naevi are the most common and are categorised into three different subtypes, each of these have a linked, separate article:
The junctional naevi are characterised by melanocytic proliferation limited to the basal epidermis with minimal elevation.
The compound naevus is believed to represent an intermediate step in the evolution of the melanocytic naevus. Components of both dermal and junctional naevi are found simultaneously.
Intradermal naevi are the most common type of adult naevus. These may be papillary, pedunculated, or flat and are often hairy. They are often multiple. The melanocytes in this subtype are entirely within the dermis and have irregular margins. While the junctional naevus can have a reputation for degeneration into malignant melanoma, the intradermal naevus does not.
These are discrete lesions located in the head and neck (occasionally on the arms). One variety (cellular blue naevus) occurs on the buttock and sacrococcygeal areas.
The blue naevus has abundant melanin pigment. It is located entirely within the dermis and no epidermal or junctional component is present.
They can be misdiagnosed as benign fibrous histiocytomas.
A malignant variant of the blue naevus does exist.
They are asymptomatic acquired vascular lesions of unknown aetiology.
Treatment is for cosmetic purposes only and may be by shave excision, laser ablation, electrodesiccation or cryotherapy.
Dermatofibroma are considered to be a benign tumour, or may represent a fibrous reaction to minor trauma and insect bites.
They are firm raised papules or nodules. They vary in colour from brown to purple and red.
They occur anywhere but are seen most commonly on the lower limb. Fitzpatrick's sign may be used to aid diagnosis (dimpling of the lesion beneath the skin when subject to bilateral compression, ie gently pinching the lesion on either side).
The lesions may resemble melanomas, so biopsy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis.
Occasionally the lesion may be removed for cosmetic reasons.
Multiple dermatofibromas may be seen in association with autoimmune disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus, or in patients who are immunocompromised.
Sebaceous hyperplasia is common in middle-aged and older patients.
It presents as soft, yellow, dome-shaped papules, some of which are centrally umbilicated.
They commonly occur on the face but sometimes affect the vulva.
They are of no clinical significance, although they can appear similar to early basal cell carcinomas.
Treatment with electrodesiccation or laser ablation is successful; oral isotretinoin has been used in patients with multiple lesions.
Biopsy may be required if the diagnosis is uncertain.
Frankly papular lesions
Seborrhoeic keratosis
Seborrhoeic keratoses are brown or black lesions which appear to be 'stuck on' to the surface of the skin.
They occur most commonly on the trunk and scalp but may be found anywhere.
The incidence of the lesions increases with age.
They may be mistaken for melanomas, although melanomas have a greater range of colour.
They are usually asymptomatic but may itch or become inflamed after friction from clothing.
Biopsy should be undertaken if the diagnosis is in any doubt.
They may be treated for cosmetic reasons with cryotherapy.
A sudden onset or increase in the number of lesions may signal an underlying malignancy, usually of the stomach, colon or breast - this is known as the Leser-Trélat sign, a paraneoplastic dermatosis.[2] Occasionally, the sign is seen in people who have no detectable malignancy.
Typical appearance of seborrhoeic keratoses
Seborrhoeic keratosis
Lmbuga, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsBy Lmbuga, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Probably an inflammatory variant of seborrhoeic keratosis.
It is commonly found on the face (typically the upper eyelid) and other sun-exposed areas in elderly patients.
They are acquired lesions and tend to be solitary. They present as a papule or nodule.
Treatment with simple excision is adequate.
Keratoacanthomas are rapidly growing papular lesions, often with a central umbilicated keratinous core which may be expelled after several weeks, leaving a hypopigmented scar.
They are usually single and occur in sun-exposed areas, mainly in older patients.
Total excision is the treatment of choice, as they are histologically similar to squamous cell carcinoma and tend to leave a prominent scar after they have undergone spontaneous involution. Smaller lesions can be treated with electrodesiccation and curettage or blunt dissection.
Radiotherapy is an option for patients with recurrence or large lesions.
Intralesional chemotherapy is a treatment option where there is a large lesion in an area on which it would be difficult to achieve excision with a good cosmetic result - eg, the eyelids or nasolabial fold.[4]
Typical appearance of keratoacanthoma
Jmarchn, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia CommonsBy Jmarchn, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
It is a feature of hyperkeratotic lesions including actinic keratosis, seborrhoeic keratosis, verrucae and epidermoid carcinoma.
Benign skin lesions beneath the epidermis
Lipomas are the most commonly seen subcutaneous tumours.
They may occur anywhere on the body, are made up of adipocytes and have a firm rubbery consistency.
They are usually asymptomatic, although may cause symptoms due to mechanical pressure on underlying structures such as nerves.
Removal is not generally required for other than cosmetic reasons.
Lipomas which occur on the thigh and are greater than 5 cm in diameter should be referred for specialist opinion to rule out liposarcoma.
Sebaceous cyst (epidermoid, epidermal, inclusion or keratinoid cysts)
Sebaceous cysts are round cysts filled with keratin and which communicate with the skin through a small round keratin-filled plug. The term sebaceous is a misnomer, as the sebaceous glands do not form any part of the lesion.
They range in size from a few millimetres to several centimetres and commonly occur on the face, back and chest.
Rupture of the cyst wall commonly occurs resulting in an inflammatory reaction.
They may be removed either because of recurrent infection, or because of their appearance. They may either be removed intact, or by expressing the contents of the cyst through a small incision and then removing the cyst wall.
Dermoid cyst is a variant of the sebaceous cyst. Excision is the treatment of choice.
It can be difficult to distinguish from squamous carcinoma.
Another term for this lesion is pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia.
An important feature is a history of trauma and irritation.
A conservative approach is warranted but, if there is any doubt, treat it as for squamous carcinoma with appropriate margins of excision.
Referral for skin tumours
It is worth considering NICE guidance on referral if cancer is suspected:[14]
Refer a patient presenting with skin lesions suggestive of skin cancer or in whom a biopsy has confirmed skin cancer to a team specialising in skin cancer.
Skin lesion (pigmented and suspicious) with a weighted 7-point checklist score of 3 or more: refer people using a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within two weeks).
Skin lesion (pigmented or non-pigmented) that suggests nodular melanoma: consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within two weeks).
Skin lesion that raises the suspicion of a squamous cell carcinoma: consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within two weeks).
Skin lesion that raises the suspicion of a basal cell carcinoma: consider routine referral.
Only consider a suspected cancer pathway referral (for an appointment within two weeks) if there is particular concern that a delay may have a significant impact, because of factors such as lesion site or size.
Alslaim F, Al Farajat F, Alslaim HS, et al; Etiology and Management of Peristomal Pseudoepitheliomatous Hyperplasia. Cureus. 2021 Dec 613(12):e20196. doi: 10.7759/cureus.20196. eCollection 2021 Dec.
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