Classifying Open Fractures
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Synonym: compound fracture
What is an open fracture?
An open fracture can be defined as a broken bone that is in communication through the skin with the environment. The amount of communication can vary from a small puncture wound in the skin to a large avulsion of soft tissue that leaves the bone exposed.
The diagnosis is usually obvious but may be missed, especially if the puncture wound is very small, or a fracture of the terminal phalanx which is technically open.
Open fractures were historically classified by Gustilo and Anderson.[1] The classification of open fractures is based on descriptors of the size of the wound and the amount of soft-tissue injury but subjectivity could lead to misclassification. There is also a lack of evidence that correlates classification with outcomes such as infection and amputation rates.
Gustilo and Anderson classification of open fractures
- Type I: clean wound smaller than 1 cm in diameter, appears clean, simple fracture pattern, no skin crushing.
- Type II: a laceration larger than 1 cm but without significant soft-tissue crushing, including no flaps, degloving or contusion. Fracture pattern may be more complex.
- Type III: an open segmental fracture or a single fracture with extensive soft-tissue injury. Also included are injuries older than eight hours. Type III injuries are subdivided into three types:
- Type IIIA: adequate soft-tissue coverage of the fracture despite high-energy trauma or extensive laceration or skin flaps.
- Type IIIB: inadequate soft-tissue coverage with periosteal stripping. Soft-tissue reconstruction is necessary.
- Type IIIC: any open fracture that is associated with vascular injury that requires repair.
The Orthopaedic Trauma Society classification[2]
- This is based on objective descriptors which are measured after the first surgical excision (or debridement).
- Injuries are broadly classified into 'simple' or 'complex' based on the need for a reconstructive procedure to achieve wound closure.
- Simple fractures require no additional procedures to achieve wound closure.
- Complex fractures need either bone, vascular or soft tissue reconstruction to achieve closure and can be further subdivided into types A-C.
Open fracture treatment[3]
The aims of management are to prevent infection, ensure healing of the fracture and promote the restoration of function.
- The treatment of open fractures should be considered as an emergency. Adequate fluid/blood replacement, analgesia, splinting, antibiotics and tetanus prophylaxis are required before surgical treatment. Start broad-spectrum antibiotics (eg, IV co-amoxiclav) as soon as possible after injury (certainly within three hours).
- Wounds are handled only to remove gross contaminants (or to obtain a photographic record and to seal from the environment). They are no longer 'provisionally cleaned' or routinely irrigated. Immediate surgical exploration is only indicated if there is gross contamination, a compartment syndrome developing, a devascularised limb or if the patient has multiple injuries.
- Debridement is then performed by orthopaedic and plastic surgeons working together on a scheduled trauma list in normal working hours (within 24 hours of the injury) unless there is marine, agricultural or sewage contamination.
- Associated injuries may be severe and also require urgent treatment.
- The most important surgical aspect of care in open fractures includes early and complete debridement of non-viable tissue and stabilisation of the fracture.
- Delayed debridement is associated with increased infection rates.
- Early wound management generally includes the use of antibiotic-impregnated beads and definitive wound closure within one week of injury.
Open fracture complications[4]
- Patients with open fractures are at risk of complications of acute wound infection and osteomyelitis. Infection can result in non-union of the fracture and chronic osteomyelitis. It can also possibly result in the need for amputation.
- There is also a risk of tetanus infection.
- Infection rates vary but remain as high as 20% in severe cases. This risk depends on the degree of associated soft-tissue injury and the initial management of the patient. Infections may be caused by bacteria that contaminate the wound at the time of injury or by hospital-acquired pathogens.
- Complications other than infection, failure of skeletal fixation and non-union of fracture will depend on the location and extent of soft-tissue damage.
- Both neurovascular injury and compartment syndrome can occur.
Further reading and references
Fractures (non-complex): assessment and management; NICE Guidelines (February 2016)
Open Fractures; Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
Diwan A, Eberlin KR, Smith RM; The principles and practice of open fracture care, 2018. Chin J Traumatol. 2018 Aug21(4):187-192. doi: 10.1016/j.cjtee.2018.01.002. Epub 2018 Feb 21.
Kim PH, Leopold SS; In brief: Gustilo-Anderson classification. [corrected]. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2012 Nov470(11):3270-4. doi: 10.1007/s11999-012-2376-6. Epub 2012 May 9.
Trompeter AJ, Knight R, Parsons N, et al; The Orthopaedic Trauma Society classification of open fractures. Bone Joint J. 2020 Nov102-B(11):1469-1474. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.102B11.BJJ-2020-0825.R1.
Sop JL, Sop A; Open Fracture Management.
Omeroglu H; Basic principles of fracture treatment in children. Eklem Hastalik Cerrahisi. 2018 Apr29(1):52-7. doi: 10.5606/ehc.2018.58165.