Media GP
Zoe Williams graduated from Medical school in 2007 and currently practices as an NHS GP in London.
She has a portfolio GP career with multiple non-clinical GP roles, including Public Health England’s lead clinical champion for their national physical activity postgraduate education programme, clinical champion for the RCGP clinical priority of physical activity and lifestyle, and Southwark CCG clinical lead for lifestyle medicine and social prescribing. She is a director and founding member of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine.
Zoe’s ambition has always been to combine her dedication to medicine, her passions for health and fitness as well as succeed in a career in media. She had her first experience in TV when selected, out of thousands, to be Sky 1’s undefeated Gladiator ‘Amazon’ when the TV show ‘Gladiators’ was rebooted in 2009. After completing specialist training Zoe has gone on to become the resident GP on ITV’s popular daytime show ‘This Morning’. She has presented across BBC network, including BBC News broadcast, ‘Horizon’ and ‘Trust Me I’m a Doctor’. She specializes in debunking the confusing world of medicine, in a warm, down to earth and straightforward manner.
In 2017 Zoe founded the non-profit organization Fit4LifeCIC, who’s aims are to have a positive impact on young people who have the most challenging lives, by helping them to create their own physical activity programmes to improve their health, wellbeing and boost their life aspirations.