We all have to do it - but while for some people, eating is a pleasure, for others the very thought of eating is worrying and a source of anxiety.
Eating disorders all have one thing in common - they all involve problems related to your relationship with food. However, eating disorders are as much or more to do with control (or loss of control) over your body than they are to do with not liking food. See also the separate leaflet called Types of Eating Disorder.
Food is the tool you use to help you cope with emotional distress, or to feel more in control of your life. Sadly, the food-related behaviour that results can fuel your psychological problems. For instance, self-loathing and low self-esteem are common in bulimia and binge eating disorder. You may feel an overwhelming urge to binge, because it gives you temporary relief from these feelings. However, afterwards you may feel even more disgusted with yourself because of your 'weakness' for giving in to the urge to binge.
Christmas is a very food-focused holiday. Whether it's mince pies, turkey, roast potatoes, or th...
So eating disorders are classified together because they have two things in common: the first is an unhealthy relationship with food (too little, too much, only the 'right' kind) and the second is the psychological distress which goes with it. Whatever kind of eating disorder you have, it's likely to have a major impact on your life.
Eating disorders: recognition and treatment; NICE Guideline (May 2017 - last updated December 2020)
Classifying eating disorders - DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Eating Disorders Victoria, 2016
Body Mass Index (BMI) charts for girls and boys age 2-18; Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and Dept of Health
hi there my 13 year old daughter is under chams for a lot of things she eating ever little for a week and a half she dropped weight again and is now weight in just under 6 stone she at the doctors today does any one think she ve admitted to hospital back in March she was admitted due to be under …
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