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Paragonimiasis is a foodborne trematode infection that primarily affects the lungs. The trematodes are of the Paragonimus genus and there are eight species that can cause significant infection in humans.[1] Paragonimus westermani is the most common of these and it is also known as the oriental lung fluke.[2]
Life cycle[1]
- Humans become infected by eating raw infected crustaceans, eg crabs, crayfish, or from eating raw/undercooked pork.
- Larval flukes develop in the human intestine and penetrate the intestinal wall, entering the abdominal cavity. They then travel to the liver or the abdominal wall and mature further.
- Adult flukes are then able to penetrate the diaphragm and travel to the pleural space and lungs.
- The adult flukes live in human lungs and deposit eggs into the bronchi. This cycle from ingestion to maturity in the lungs takes 5-6 weeks. The adult flukes can live in the lungs for around 20 years.[2]
- Humans can then expel the eggs either through coughing or by swallowing the eggs and passing them in faeces.
- The eggs can develop in water until they reach a stage where they are able to invade an intermediate host, which is a species of freshwater snail.
- The eggs mature further, emerge and are then able to invade another intermediate host, the crustaceans. And so the cycle is maintained.
- Animals including pigs, dogs, and feline species can also harbour Paragonimus westermani.[2]
- Paragonimus spp. are distributed throughout the Americas, Africa and Southeast Asia.[2]
- An estimated 20 million people are infected worldwide.[1]
- It should be considered in returning travellers and migrants.[3]
About 1 in 5 people has asymptomatic infection.
Acute phase (can last several weeks)
- Initially there may be abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and urticaria.
- This can be followed by fever, cough, dyspnoea, chest pain, malaise, and sweats.
- Hepatosplenomegaly can occur.[2]
Chronic phase
- Pulmonary symptoms (usually begin 6 months after infection):
- Symptoms can be mistaken for tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis or bronchiectasis.
- Dry cough initially followed by a productive cough with rusty sputum.
- Chest discomfort may be present.
- Shortness of breath on exertion.
- Wheeze may be present.
- Haemoptysis can sometimes be life-threatening.
- Finger clubbing may be present.
- Extrapulmonary symptoms:
- Flukes or eggs can travel to other sites. However, when this takes place completion of the life cycles is not achieved, because the eggs laid cannot exit these sites.[2] Symptoms can be divided into:
- Cerebral - the most common extrapulmonary form; resembles meningo-encephalitis acutely; headache, vomiting and seizures can occur in the chronic phase with neurological signs, including facial palsy and hemiplegia.
- Abdominal - cysts can form in the liver, spleen, intestinal wall, peritoneum or mesenteric lymph nodes. There may be abdominal pain, a palpable abdominal mass and bloody diarrhoea. Renal involvement can cause haematuria and eggs are sometimes found in the urine.
- Subcutaneous tissues - subcutaneous nodules can contain immature flukes; abscesses and granulomas can form.
- Miscellaneous - muscle, the testis, the ovary and the spinal cord can become involved.
- Flukes or eggs can travel to other sites. However, when this takes place completion of the life cycles is not achieved, because the eggs laid cannot exit these sites.[2] Symptoms can be divided into:
Differential diagnosis
- Pulmonary paragonimiasis may be mistaken for tuberculosis[4, 5] and in those who have been in an endemic area, it should be considered if there is not a firm diagnosis of tuberculosis and there is failure to respond to antituberculous treatment.
- Other differential diagnoses include:
- Acute or chronic bronchitis
- Bronchiectasis
- Pneumonia
- Asthma
- Aspergillosis
- Histoplasmosis
- Whipworm infection
Egg detection and antibody tests are standard, the latter being preferred due to low rates of egg detection. However, eggs are not present until 2 to 3 months after infection.[2]
- Egg detection:[1]
- Sputum, faeces, pleural fluid, cerebrospinal fluid, or pus are examined for worms or eggs.
- Biopsies from lung, brain, subcutaneous or abdominal nodules or cysts may also reveal eggs or worms.
- Multiple specimens may be needed before eggs are detected.
- Try stool examination in children as they tend to swallow sputum.
- Serology:
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been developed to look for the presence of antibodies against lung flukes.[6]
- Other blood tests:
- FBC: white blood count may be normal or slightly raised but there is usually an eosinophilia.[1]
- Imaging:
- Other tests:
- Skin testing is a useful epidemiological tool.[1, 8]
- Lumbar puncture may be carried out if cerebral infection is suspected.
- Pleural aspiration: eggs are rarely detected.[1]
- Lung biopsy specimens can contain adult worms or eggs.[1]
- Praziquantel and triclabendazole are the two drugs recommended to treat paragonimiasis. Praziquantel is the most commonly used and has a cure rate of 80-90%.[1]
- Bithionol is used as an alternative treatment.[2]
- If there is extrapulmonary disease, lesions need surgical excision.[1] Laparoscopic approaches may be used.[9]
- If there is cerebral involvement, medical control of seizures may be required.
- Untreated infection can lead to interstitial pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchiectasis.
- Other complications include bronchopneumonia, lung abscess, pleural effusion, or empyema.
- Cerebral complications include seizures and coma.
- This is good with the correct treatment.
- Untreated cerebral paragonimiasis has a mortality rate of 5%.[1]
- Untreated pulmonary disease may be self-limiting, with lesions resolving in 5 to 10 years in light infections.[1]
- Cerebral infections may result in long-term seizures.[1]
- In endemic areas, shellfish and pork must be well cooked.
- Education and changes in habit may help prevention.[10]
Further reading and references
Patterson J et al; Paragonimiasis, eMedicine, Apr 2009
Paragonimiasis, DPDx, Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Malvy D, Ezzedine KH, Receveur MC, et al; Extra-pulmonary paragonimiasis with unusual arthritis and cutaneous features among a tourist returning from Gabon. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2006 Dec4(6):340-2. Epub 2006 Apr 17.
Singh TN, Kananbala S, Devi KS; Pleuropulmonary paragonimiasis mimicking pulmonary tuberculosis--a report of three cases. Indian J Med Microbiol. 2005 Apr23(2):131-4.
Singh TN, Singh HR, Devi KhS, et al; Pulmonary paragonimiasis. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 2004 Jul-Sep46(3):225-7.
Narain K, Devi KR, Mahanta J; Development of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for serodiagnosis of human paragonimiasis. Indian J Med Res. 2005 Jun121(6):739-46.
Kim TS, Han J, Shim SS, et al; Pleuropulmonary paragonimiasis: CT findings in 31 patients. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2005 Sep185(3):616-21.
Song HO, Min DY, Rim HJ, et al; Skin test for paragonimiasis among schoolchildren and villagers in Namback District, Luangprabang Province, Lao PDR. Korean J Parasitol. 2008 Sep46(3):179-82.
Kim JY, Kang CM, Choi GH, et al; Laparoscopic excision of intra-abdominal paragonimiasis. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2007 Dec17(6):556-8.
Yoonuan T, Vanvanitchai Y, Dekumyoy P, et al; Paragonimiasis prevalences in Saraburi Province, Thailand, measured 20 years apart. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. 2008 Jul39(4):593-600.