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Synonyms: Phosphoglycerokinase deficiency, PGK deficiency, PGK1 deficiency, Haemolytic anaemia with PGK Deficiency,
Phosphoglycerate kinase deficiency is a hereditary metabolic disease. Phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK1) is a ubiquitous glycolytic enzyme that catalyzes the conversion of 1,3-diphosphoglycerate to 3-phosphoglycerate generating one molecule of ATP. Its gene lies on the X-chromosome (locus Xq13) and there are related pseudogenes on the X-chromosome and chromosome 19.[1]
It is a complex enzyme: several subtypes of deficiency have been identified,[2] based on the tissues in which the enzyme deficiency occurs and the type of inheritance. Clinically, there are two distinct syndromes:
- A pure muscle syndrome characterized by recurrent cramps and muscle breakdown in response to intense exercise.[3]
- A "muscle plus" syndrome which may feature mental retardation and/or haemolytic anaemia.
Different mutations of the erythrocyte enzyme PGK1 gene have been identified but the reason for the multifarious clinical manifestations of mutations of the same gene remains unknown.[4]
- It is extremely rare.
- The gene encoding the erythrocyte enzyme PGK1 is X-linked and PGK is transmitted as an X-linked recessive disorder in nearly 75%. Females are carriers and have a 50% chance of transmitting the gene to an affected son or a carrier daughter. Affected males produce carrier daughters and unaffected sons.
- It is inherited as an autosomal recessive in about 25%.[5]
- Presentation is variable but occurs between infancy and adolescence.
- Clinical findings include:
- Muscle pain and weakness
- Rust-coloured urine after vigorous exercise due to myoglobinuria
- Other features are rare and highly variable but may include:
- Nausea after exercise
- Variable degrees of mental retardation
- Seizures
- Haemolytic anaemia
- Some patients may have a purely myopathic syndrome with progressive proximal muscle weakness and episodes of myoglobinuria, exercise intolerance and easy fatigue.
- There can be emotional lability, aphasia with impaired ability to comprehend speech or writing and hemiplegia.
- Female carriers may have haemolytic anaemia.
Differential diagnosis
There are a number of enzyme defects that can cause myoglobinuria[6] as well as other causes to remember:
- Biochemical abnormalities (eg hypokalaemia, hypophosphataemia)
- Myopathies
- McArdle's disease (Glycogen storage disorder V) and Tarui's disease (Glycogen storage disorder VII)
- Acetyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency and lactate dehydrogenase deficiency
- Polymyositis and dermatomyositis
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- Crush syndrome
- Muscle ischaemia secondary to arterial occlusion or insufficiency
- Septicaemia
- Drug abuse
- Diagnostic testing is available for the absence of the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase.
- There is recurrent myoglobinuria, especially after exercise.
- Serum CK levels are high or normal.
- Anaerobic exercise produces no rise in lactate.
- Gene mutation identification within family groups.
Strenuous exercise should be avoided.
None are of proven value.
Splenectomy can reduce the haemolytic anaemia and the need for transfusion.[7]
Myoglobinuria from prolonged exercise can produce renal damage.
Severity varies but the myopathic syndrome is usually slowly progressive. In one study of a large family, many sufferers died before reaching adulthood.[8]
Identification of the gene[9] may permit prenatal diagnosis with a view to termination of pregnancy.
Further reading and references
Phosphoglycerate Kinase-1 Deficiency, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
Tsujino S, Shanske S, DiMauro S; Molecular genetic heterogeneity of phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) deficiency. Muscle Nerve. 19953:S45-9.
Spiegel R, Gomez EA, Akman HO, et al; Myopathic form of phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) deficiency: A new case and pathogenic considerations. Neuromuscul Disord. 2009 Jan 19.
Beutler E; PGK deficiency. Br J Haematol. 2007 Jan136(1):3-11.
Phosphoglycerate Kinase (PGK) 1 Deficiency, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
Tonin P, Lewis P, Servidei S, et al; Metabolic causes of myoglobinuria. Ann Neurol. 1990 Feb27(2):181-5.
Fujii H, Miwa S; Other erythrocyte enzyme deficiencies associated with non-haematological symptoms: phosphoglycerate kinase and phosphofructokinase deficiency. Baillieres Best Pract Res Clin Haematol. 2000 Mar13(1):141-8.
Turner G, Fletcher J, Elber J, et al; Molecular defect of a phosphoglycerate kinase variant associated with haemolytic anaemia and neurological disorders in a large kindred. Br J Haematol. 1995 Sep91(1):60-5.
Flanagan JM, Rhodes M, Wilson M, et al; The identification of a recurrent phosphoglycerate kinase mutation associated with chronic haemolytic anaemia and neurological dysfunction in a family from USA. Br J Haematol. 2006 Jul134(2):233-7. Epub 2006 Jun 1.