POEMS Syndrome
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Synonyms: osteosclerotic myeloma, Crow-Fukase syndrome, Takatsuki syndrome
POEMS syndrome is defined as the presence of a peripheral neuropathy, a monoclonal plasma cell disorder, and other paraneoplastic features.[1] The acronym stands for:
- Peripheral neuropathy: the main symptom.
- Organomegaly.
- Endocrinopathy.
- M protein (or monoclonal gammopathy).
- Skin changes.
Not all these features are required for diagnosis.
Other possible features not represented in the acronym are: sclerotic bone lesions, papilloedema, pleural effusion, oedema, ascites, thrombocytosis and Castleman's disease (giant lymph node hyperplasia).
Both major criteria and at least one minor criterion are required for diagnosis:[2]
Major criteria
- Polyneuropathy.
- Monoclonal plasma-proliferative disorder.
Minor criteria
- Sclerotic bone lesions.
- Castleman's disease.
- Organomegaly (splenomegaly, hepatomegaly or lymphadenopathy).
- Oedema (peripheral oedema, pleural effusion or ascites).
- Endocrinopathy (adrenal, thyroid, pituitary, gonadal, parathyroid or pancreatic - but diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism alone are insufficient, as they are common in the general population).
- Skin changes (hyperpigmentation, hypertrichosis, plethora, haemangiomata, white nails).
- Papilloedema.
- POEMS syndrome is probably rare (of the order of hundreds of cases are reported) but may be under-diagnosed and the incidence is unknown.
- Peak incidence is age 40-60.
Aetiology and pathogenesis[1, 4]
The cause is unknown. Increased levels of cytokines, particularly vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), may play a role.
Clinical features and complications[1]
These are listed in order of the most common at diagnosis:
- The defining symptom is a chronic peripheral neuropathy, with motor features predominating:
- It starts in the feet with paraesthesia.
- There is symmetrical and proximal spread.
- Progression is usually gradual but can be rapid.
- Respiratory muscles may be affected.
- Some patients also have pain.
- Osteosclerotic lesions:
- Occur in 95% of patients.
- May be solitary or multiple; there may be mixed sclerotic and lytic lesions.
- Skin changes:
- Hyperpigmentation and hypertrichosis are common; coarse black hair may occur on the extremities.
- Other skin changes are: thickening, haemangiomata, plethora, clubbing, white nails.
- Endocrinopathy:[5]
- Most commonly, hypogonadism.
- Diabetes and hypothyroidism are also common.
- Adrenal insufficiency and hypocalcaemia can occur.
- There may be multiple endocrine axes affected.
- Thrombocytosis.
- Organomegaly - may be:
- Hepatomegaly.
- Splenomegaly.
- Lymphadenopathy.
- Castleman's disease.
- Papilloedema:
- Affects up to half of patients.
- May be asymptomatic, or may cause headache and visual symptoms.
- Extravascular volume overload - pitting oedema, ascites or pleural effusions.
- Uncommon features or complications are:
- Respiratory - pulmonary hypertension, restrictive lung disease.
- Thrombosis - arterial or venous.
- Renal impairment (rare).
- Congestive cardiac failure.
- A capillary leak-like syndrome.
Blood tests
- Serum proteins investigations:[1]
- By definition, all patients have a monoclonal plasma-proliferative disorder.
- The monoclonal protein is typically small; it may be missed on electrophoresis unless immunofixation is done on both serum and 24-hour urine.
- VEGF levels are nearly always raised in patients with active POEMS syndrome. Other cytokine levels may be raised.
- FBC: there may be thrombocytosis with or without polycythaemia.
- Liver function and renal function.
- A full endocrine assessment is advised if POEMS is strongly suspected.[5]
- Skeletal survey may show sclerotic or lytic bone lesions.
- CXR if there are cardiovascular/respiratory symptoms.
Other tests
- Nerve conduction studies and electromyography.
- ECG, echocardiogram and lung function tests for cardiorespiratory symptoms.
- Biopsy of bone marrow or an osteosclerotic lesion - may show marrow monoclonal plasma cells.
- Lymph node biopsy - if lymphadenopathy; may demonstrate Castleman's disease.
- Nerve biopsies - usually reveal evidence of axonal degeneration and demyelination.
Differential diagnosis[3]
- Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy.
- Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance with associated peripheral neuropathy.
- Multiple myeloma - may have polyneuropathy and, rarely, can present with diffuse osteosclerotic bone lesions.[6]
- Solitary plasmacytoma of bone - may have a small amount of monoclonal protein in serum or urine.
- Waldenström's macroglobulinaemia.
Associated diseases[2]
- The interconnections between POEMS syndrome, osteosclerotic myeloma and Castleman's disease are still under investigation.
- Possible associations include pulmonary hypertension, restrictive lung disease, thrombotic diatheses, arthralgias, cardiomyopathy and low vitamin B12.
Management[1, 3]
- There is currently insufficient evidence regarding the treatment options for POEMS syndrome on which to base practice.[7]
- Supportive care as required for neurological and respiratory problems - eg, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, respiratory support or multidisciplinary care.
- Radiotherapy - if the osteosclerotic lesions are single or restricted to a limited area.[8]
- If osteosclerotic lesions are widespread - chemotherapy or autologous stem cell transplantation.[9]Possible treatments include:
- Melphalan and prednisolone.
- Cyclophosphamide ± prednisolone.
- High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplantation.
- Lenalidomide - has been used with some success.[10]
- Thalidomide and bortezomib - may be effective but risk exacerbating peripheral neuropathy. The benefit of anti-VEGF antibodies is conflicting.[8]
The median survival of patients with POEMS syndrome is about 14 years.[2]Prompt recognition and institution of supportive care measures and therapy directed against the plasma cell result in the best outcomes.[10]
Further reading and references
Dispenzieri A; POEMS Syndrome. Hematology Am Soc Hematol Educ Program. 2005:360-7.
Dispenzieri A, Kyle RA, Lacy MQ, et al; POEMS syndrome: definitions and long-term outcome. Blood. 2003 Apr 1101(7):2496-506. Epub 2002 Nov 27.
Mullen EC; Polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy, and skin changes (POEMS) syndrome. Oncol Nurs Forum. 2008 Sep35(5):763-7.
Dispenzieri A, Buadi FK; A review of POEMS syndrome. Oncology (Williston Park). 2013 Dec27(12):1242-50.
Gandhi GY, Basu R, Dispenzieri A, et al; Endocrinopathy in POEMS syndrome: the Mayo Clinic experience. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Jul82(7):836-42.
Delgado Flores G, Robles Cartagena A, Robles Cartagena I, et al; POEMS Syndrome: A Rare Disease With A Challenging Diagnosis. Bol Asoc Med P R. 2015 Jul-Sep107(3):85-8.
Kuwabara S, Dispenzieri A, Arimura K, et al; Treatment for POEMS (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, M-protein, and skin changes) syndrome. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jun 136:CD006828.
Dispenzieri A; POEMS syndrome: update on diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management. Am J Hematol. 2015 Oct90(10):951-62. doi: 10.1002/ajh.24171. Epub 2015 Sep 1.
Arana C, Perez de Leon JA, Gomez-Moreno G, et al; POEMS syndrome (polyneuropathy, organomegaly, endocrinopathy, monoclonal gammopathy and skin changes) treated with autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a case report and literature review. Am J Case Rep. 2015 Mar 116:124-9. doi: 10.12659/AJCR.892837.
Dispenzieri A; POEMS syndrome: 2014 update on diagnosis, risk-stratification, and management. Am J Hematol. 2014 Feb89(2):214-23. doi: 10.1002/ajh.23644.