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Hi - my son had this condition and was operated on at 4 weeks. We were told at the time it is usually noticed at 3 months plus and he was very young and the muscle was very thick. He is now nearly 21 but has always been thin but with a good appetite but always had a 'full' feeling. GP now thinks he may suffer from IBS. I have always wondered if the PS has had an effect and wondered if there were any studies undertaken to question long term effects or eating habits of boys with this condition. Any info would be appreciated.
4 likes, 146 replies
The research interest seems to be on other issues around IHPS, relating to issues like its diagnosis, treatment and its immediate outcomes.
I share what you write about your son, though I'm glad not severely so
, and have written some more comments in answer to an earlier listed experience at this site.
teresa80458 Guest
hi my son had the same operation nearly 8 years and he still has trouble going to the toilet for number twos and he hates anything over his belly button and he hates his belly button being touched too
rachel80283 teresa80458
My son is 8 this year, he had his PC op at 4 weeks old and he also still has so much trouble going to the toilet. Thank you for your comment (not my post) its made me feel less like I'm going mad because you've described my son to a T compared to my other 3.
ann-marie12603 rachel80283
my son is soon to be 10 and had his pc op when he was 4 weeks old too . he still continues to have trouble going to the toilet . its like it has its peaks and his poo is huge when he does finally go lol sorry for the tmi. has any other mums noticed this in there children . he will still sometimes complain of tummy aches. catch tummy bugs quickly and have boughts of dioreeh and constipation even though the doctors say there are no long lasting side effects of having ps. i truly dont think it has been looked into enough. because there is in my opinion.
So two questions-
Have any ladies out there who had PS as an infant carried and delivered a baby? Was just wondering if that effected your scars in any way. My hubby and I are considering starting a family soon and that scares me a little, with the extra weight in the belly could it pull too much???
Also, has anyone out there had there scar surgically \"released\"? If so, for what reasons and how bad was the process?
Thanks All!
marjorie16628 Guest
amanda_76893 marjorie16628
megan03285 marjorie16628
FredV marjorie16628
FredV marjorie16628
Jplus2 Guest
I had pyloric stenosis as a baby and my scar is in the same position and similar size to yours. I have a 5 year old daughter and another on the way and have had no real issues with either pregnancy relating to the scar. I get a little bit of a burning sensation sometimes in the muscle above the scar but I think it just because it can't quite stretch as well as the other side. I also delivered my first naturally with only gas and air and hopefully this next 1 with no pain relief at all (fingers crossed)!
I hope this is helpful, however I have had no need for any further surgery in relation to scar tissue.
amanda_76893 Jplus2
Jplus2 amanda_76893
Sorry I couldn't help more.
nicola56644 Guest
Post pregnancy in the last 10 years in have had cramping in the scar, particularly after exercise if I lean down say to tie up shoe laces.
jazv4 Guest
Sorry I cant answer your 2nd question.
My daughter inherited pyloric stenosis as well and had the surgery around 3 weeks. Luckily, my mom remembered the symptoms and we didnt wait like her primary doctor wanted us too and went straight to the hospital and had a specialist take a look at her. Just a little more info. ☺ They tried to convince me it was acid reflux beacause usually first born males are the ones that inherit it.
daniel74216 FredV
FredV daniel74216
nollie09 Guest
FredV nollie09
If you are on Facebook, have a look at the Groups of PS parents and survivors, and you'll lose count of the PS survivor mothers who have children! The scar often distorts and may well ache and hurt, but in nearly 20 years of reading and writing about the long-term effects of PS I have never come across anybody who couldn't have children because of their PS history. Best wishes!
alannah83232 Guest
marjorie16628 megan03285
marjorie16628 FredV
marjorie16628 alannah83232
alannah83232 marjorie16628
marjorie16628 alannah83232
sineadc2016 Guest
Hi, I am 26 F and I had PS and was operated on at 5 weeks old I've a scar on the right side under my rib cage and my scar has fatty tissue attached to it and I seen a plastic surgeon as a teenagers to get advice on this and they said they would have to operate to remove the tissue if it bothered me that much. I never got the operation as it doesn't bother me, and I carried a perfectly healthy baby full term 3 years ago and the scar stayed the same didn't stretch or anything And thank god my daughter didn't have PS as I heard sometimes it can be hereditary. Hope this helped any of your questions.
kate29113 Guest
Hey there hun I'm 30 I had pylorics stenosis when I was a baby and operated on at 3 weeks old my scar sounds similar to yours same place and about 4 Inches I've have 3 children the scar didn't pull at all and wasn't uncomfortable and it just grew with the bump :-) having the scar didn't make any difference at all to pregnancy or labour the only thing is that all 3 pregnancies I have threw up all day everyday in lol I blame my reflux caused from the lasting effects from ps all of my children didn't have ps but my son is such a sicky baby but gaining fine he is almost 1 so just reflux really hope this helps xxx
lauren15594 Guest
Hi I'm 27 f ...and also had this at 2 weeks old scar has a lot of tissue there and you can see it clearly threw my clothes ...I've looked into having surgery to remove it, I have had 3 pregnancies all healthy babies and the pregnancy never interfered with my scar you have nothing to worry about 😊 Xx
stephanie_23227 Guest
Hi! 33yo female here. I had pyloric stenosis as a baby and have had 2 children. My scar is similar to yours but not as severe. Pregnancy caused a bit of discomfort for me but it wasn't too bad. But my oldest son also had pyloric stenosis so that is something to consider. Since we are women who had it, it increases our children's probability of having it also. I hope this helps!
katie90348 Guest
Hi! I am 52 year old female who had pyloric stenosis as an infant (1965), and surgery at 6 weeks of age. My scar is about 3 ½ inches wide. My younger brother, age 51 also had pyloric stenosis as an infant with surgery at 3 months old. My older brother age 53, did not have pyloric stenosis, but his son (now age 18) had pyloric stenosis and also had the surgery as an infant. It is believed my mother had pyloric stenosis as an infant back in the 1943, but they did not do the surgery then and gave her some kind of concoction of yeast and something else to drink until her symptoms subsided.
Regarding having children, I had 2 children, both of which never got PS. I had the first one by c-section and the second child by natural birth. I had no complications with pregnancy by having PS, it did not affect my scar. Although, my scar got wider during the pregnancy, but it went back to the original 3 ½ inches wide after I gave birth.
As an adult, I have now been having problems with stomach acid popping up into my esophagus and throat (acid reflux?) especially at night when I lay to sleep. I find myself sleeping half way sitting up and eating lots of Tums antiacids throughout the night. This may be a long-term effect of having pyloric stenosis, but I don’t know as I have not seen any follow-up studies of what happened to all us PS infants as we became adults.
Hope this helps!
kate29113 katie90348
I have exactly the same I can't lay down to sleep as much as I feel sick and reflux too it was horrendous when I was pregnant but I'm 28 3 baby's all didn't have ps but sickness for me is awful
SMJ2404 Guest
Greenfly katie90348
My first born son also had PS at 3 wks old and he too was operated on.
Other than an uglier scar than my son we are both fine. I am now almost 75 and not had any major problems other than sporadic IBS.
FredV Greenfly
Differing PS operation experiences back in 1943 were reported here by katie90348 and Greenfly, which I found telling, esp as I had this operation also (1945). In fact PS has increasingly been fixed by surgery since the German Dr Ramstedt discovered a relatively simple technique in 1912, but esp. in public hospitals it was many years before babies survived the operation in the numbers they do today (>99%). In some UK public hospitals even in the 1940s close to half the PS infants died from surgical shock, infection, and other dangers, but (somehow!) in “private” hands very few babies died! I’ve read some horrible stories about this. How things have changed! Besides this, until recent decades many countries treated most PS babies with medication at first: only small and very weak babies went straight to the OR, and if after a week a baby did not respond to medication (20-25%) it also went for an operation. I found this bit of history to be the probable answer to the different experiences you Greenfly and Katie’s mother had.
Fizzy1963 katie90348
I was born in 1963 with pyloric stenosis operated on at 4 weeks as a 'fail to thrive baby'.
my original scar was approx. 3 cm wide and 10 cm long
my brother who is 5 years older than me also had PS however our older sister did not.
I had plastic surgery on it as an 11 year old to release scar tissue underneath and had a membrane added to help my tissue grow and stretch. The scar I ended up with after this was horrendous!!! it was the outline of a 'lightening bolt' ⚡ thick and ugly.
I had two children in 1992 at age 29 and in 1997 aged 33. The scar became wider and indented in the middle. I could see it through my blouses and dresses.
I lost about 23 kg in 2015 and a hernia appeared under the scar and towards the midline. Doctor said the hernia could have been there for a long time. I did suffer with terrible cramps under the scar and sometimes my stomach area would 'lock up' so I had spasms in the area.
My plastic surgeon repaired the hernia, removed original scar and incorporated into the newer tidier one with hernia repair. A really great result! I also had an abdominoplasty at the same time to get rid of the 'apron' from weight loss.
In the last 2 years I have developed some symptoms of Gastrointestinal issues. Abdominal bloating, flatulence from certain foods, acid reflux (taking antacids on a regular basis), lactose intolerance, sensitivity to onion family, stomach cramps. The GP doesn't seem to be too worried!!!!
my brother has similar issues but not as bad.
great fun... not!
70219 Guest
Hi! yes i had Pyloric stenosis as an infant as well. I was also worried when i got pregnant with my son but to my surprise everything went well for me no pain and, i had a natural birth.
rebecca86242 Guest
Hello. I did have PS and delivered 3 babies. I have never had any issues with my scar. my surgery was done in 1976 so its pretty big. most doctors think its from gall bladder surgery but I did have that done too in 2001. now I have scars from that. pregnancy may have made my scar bigger but didnt cause me problems. i have a girl, boy and a girl in that order. my son also had pyloric stenosis. he now has a far baby does not have it...shes 3 weeks old.
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