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I too had a fairly violent reaction to this injection which was given on Saturday 6 November 2010 in the same upper arm and at the same time as my flu vaccination.
Symptoms came on about 5-6 hours after the injections and included aching in all joints (particularly the fingers) general feeling of nausea and retching (only bile came up) very dry feverishness switching from feeling hot to very cold about every half-hour and thumping headache.
This continued overnight - showers / sponging down did nothing to ease the feverishness - and I didn't get much sleep. Symptoms eased gradually over the next couple of days and were completely gone within a week.
My GP reassured me that this was my body's natural defences showing that they worked!
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micmc47 Guest
jennifer18656 Guest
jackie57069 Guest
jennifer18656 Guest
stephen16672 Guest
I had the flu and pneumonia in one arm and my hepatitis a+b combined in the other arm.(pin cushion).
I have all the symptoms that seems the norm.
I feel like i have been rolled down a hill and at the bottom been used as a football.
Not nice!
david591 Guest
I wish I'd seen this discussion before having my flu+pneumonia jab. I've never had a flu or pneumonia jab before but it seemed a good idea. 44 hours later my arm still feels like it's been hit with a jousting lance, legs and head ache like hell and had a second night of fever.
I wish I'd known that this reaction was fairly common. I was told "you might feel a little under the weather for a couple of days" - that really doesn't describe how I feel. My aching and fever feel similar to real flu but I've no nasal/bronchial problems.
If you get this buy-one-get-one-free jab offer you might like to have them at separate times!
It seems I’ve received a bacterial infection from the jab but that was all sterile and a plaster was on for hours after. I have Coeliac disease and borderline anaemia so my immune system isn’t great but that’s why I was offered the jabs...hmm!
After antibiotics started on Day 6 things started to improve. Day 12 there's nothing to see now although upper arm is itchy, skin isn't flaking but feels 'scraped'. Generally feeling very lacking in energy although improving day by day.
GP advises to have flu jab again next year which I think I'll do but wouldn't recommend having flu and pneumonia jabs at the same time to anyone.
linda21751 david591
becky69303 david591
David, I had the same reaction as you. Everyone has told me what happened couldn't have been caused by those shots.
I had the pneumonia and flu shot in the same arm in 2014 in the same arm. Nothing in the other arm. Immediately after I went into a nursing home for fractured ankle rehab. I developed a very hot large swelling in my arm within 24 hours. Within 72 hours, it was obvious I had cellulitis and I developed a high fever and high blood pressure. So the nursing homes doctor sent me to the ER where they did blood cultures. The blood culture came back positive for Strep and J was diagnosed with sepsis. I ended up on IV antibiotics for 7 days followed by oral antibiotics
I knew I was allergic to thimerosol in topical products and answered yes to that question which meant they should have given the single dose vial instead of the multi-dose vial flu shot. But I found out after my reaction that the multi dose vial dose was given to me. I always blamed my reaction on Thimerisol.
i am sure the nurse knew she did something wrong because her documentation says she gave the pneumonia shot intramuscular in my arm and the flu shot subdermal in my stomach. Flu shots are not given subdermal and not done in the abdomen. The hospital claims she clicked the wrong box.
stephen16672 Guest
penelope60077 Guest
I too had both shots, one in each shoulder. This was yesterday, it is now 3 am. and not only are both arms too sore to lift or move much but my entire body is hurting. All my major joints and even areas near to them are affected.
Almost everything I've read about side affects mentions occasional pain at the injection site but only here on this forum have heard of pain elsewhere in the body. It seems that we are all 'special' !Sigh.
k75030 Guest
Similar to other people here, i had my flu and pnuemonia vaccine on Friday 16.10.20 and within 5-6hrs i was really poorly with shakes shivers body aches and nausea and a temprature of 39.1 this was bought down to around 38.8 with paracetamol. its ongoing as i write, my arm is very very painfull and i'm hoping this all passes quickly with no longer term effects. i really need to get back to work and wss feeling much better yesterday but woke this morning feeling pretty wretched again.
joshuapryce1987 Guest
Weird for a doctor to say that, I think it means that either the dosage was too high or a bad prescribed medication through injections. Injections work better than tablets, but they also are more likely to bring about side effects.
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