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I have painful blister-like sores around my vagina on a couple on my vaginal lips and I'm wondering a. how I can ease the pain/get rid of them and b. what they are.
Just to give a background on the last few weeks: I got a particularly back strain of tonsillitis a few weeks ago and was put on very strong antibiotics to clear it. After this I had a slight itch and touch of thrush which cleared up after taking a dose of pro-biotics. A week after the itch I shaved all my pubic hair, I stupidly didn't trim the hair before I did that. I had sex with my boyfriend after this, he's the only person I've been having sex with for 6 months and vice versa. I have experienced pain after having sex with him and some skin tears due to his and my size (he's quite large and I'm apparently smaller than average). I then got my period this week and started to feel irritation which was mild at first like usual grow-back irritation after shaving and then it progressed to quite irritant and painful - I'm assuming the pads I was using didn't help matters. To ease the irritation I was using an antiseptic cream which would typically be used for nappy rash.
When my period was done I examined myself and felt small bumps, first they were under the skin and are now over the skin and blister-like and some have popped and seeped. My vaginal lips are quite dry and there are a couple of pimple-like bumps on them which are quite painful. I soaked in a warm bath last night with a couple of drops of tea-tree oil, some baking soda and some E45 dermatological emollient bath oil and this seemed to help. When I woke up this morning the pain had eased slightly but the sores which had popped were crusted over with a yellow pus. I cleared this and the pus has not returned, but they are still painful. The pain seems to mostly be coming from the hairs that are growing back in the area irritating the sores. I have been using E45 dermatological (and alternately Salvon antiseptic) cream to ease the itching and give me some relief.
Basically, I'm looking for suggestions on how to ease this pain and clear the sores up. If anyone has had a similar issue and knows exactly what this is help would be greatly appreciated. From examining myself and researching STIs/STDs online it does not resemble anything I've seen but if anyone has a suggestion they are more than welcome!
9 likes, 246 replies
Patient_Mod nosolucy
Hi nosolucy - Herpes blisters can incredibly uncomfortable, but are treatable even if the virus itself can't be cured permanently right now. For more information on how to treat Herpes outbreaks check out our health information article at
feelbroken nosolucy
nosolucy feelbroken
feelbroken nosolucy
Guest feelbroken
feelbroken Guest
katie26080 feelbroken
ashleylee feelbroken
Does this look like herpes ? Please help i am scared
ashleylee feelbroken
I have jast been dignosed with GH. I just wanted to know if I can find some cream to make the bumps hurt less and will a fragrant pad irritate my bumps.
Please help me. Thank you
amb66 ashleylee
brittany39066 feelbroken
b32193 feelbroken
celeste1983 b32193
yournotalone feelbroken
Noodles-73 feelbroken
I went to the doctor today and am awaiting results. I think it's herpes and the doctor was in the fence and did the very painful swab test. I am in the middle of finals at school and can't concentrate. I know it's only a few days and I will have an answer but I am a wreck!!!
Sam15196 feelbroken
amb66 Sam15196
christina48136 feelbroken
jendlo34 Sam15196
nicole_73258 ashleylee
chels99401 ashleylee
autumn78946 b32193
Hey I know it's been some months since you've posted this but I have something similar happening to me right now. Did you ever get an answer to what you had going on down there. If so please please help me.
unknown50060 nicole_73258
I have a similar situation, kind of different though.. you're the most recent who seems to be knowledgeable about this, just started this app and I don't know how to make my own post. Could you help me?
jm124 b32193
sally62020 ashleylee
Milcka Noodles-73
Wonderingteapot b32193
That looks like my sore that I have! It's huge amounts of pain! Mine is on my clitoral hood in the left side! When I pee it stings. When I take a shower it hurts. I hope it will go away soooon! I won't get my results back until five days from now
Wonderingteapot b32193
lacy33263 feelbroken
Ron92 feelbroken
Hi I'm sorry but you seem to know what your talking Bout and I have no one els to go to .. I'm 24 and have been with my partner for almost a year but have no been sexualy active in over 3 months do to are living situation but during my shower I have found some odd bumbs lil blisters and I have never had anything like this b4 and I'm freaking out I have no one to talk about this with please help
mariaion Sam15196
There 3 types of hsv blood test. I did 2 types one came out negative and one came out positive. The doctor explained that the one that has negative is a test if i have an active virus she told me that the sore i had was healing. And the other one determines if i have been carrying the virus for long. And according to swab testing, it could be your sore is already healing that's why it came out negative. I think it's thr IGG one that came out positive on mu test.
mariaion Ron92
You go to a doctor and have some test. The thing that i regretted the most is not forcing the doctor to have me tested (blood) i kept on clinging to what the doctor said firdt doctor that it wasn't herpes. I had 4 outbreaks last year something like that and judt this year just twice. And after a year i just found out i have herpes.
laura57466 Sam15196
Hi just came across this site I ad sore few years back like in picture also ad for years what I was being told outbreaks of tonsillitus since being younger I went to gum clinic an they treated me for herpes I kept coming back negative time an time again on all tests I knew it weren't I ended up seeing a specialist in hospital who diagnosed me with Bechets syndrome I'd look into it if ur results keep coming back negative
raena71667 ashleylee
Did u ever find out what that was I had BV and they said it was a reaction to the infection and it looked like that but it's gotten worse
littleone24714 b32193
I'm having that issue I wanted to ask if you ever found out what it was?
I'm kinda freaking out because it's my first time ever having a problem like this, I would appreciate it if you could help me out.
Mrs.Tiny2u feelbroken
I am also dealing with the herpes virus and like how helpful you were to mutiple people. Even though I am still battling with accepting this myself after a year I would like to talk to you personally as I continue to go through this.
maria_05893 feelbroken
Hey maybe you can help me- Small singluar bump that started as what felt and looked like a cut- turned into what appears to be a sore. Some pain and inflamed but no itching or burning. It's been like this for a week and has not spread anywhere else. Currently out of my home state in the middle of no where on business so a health clinic stop is out of the question. ER visit is only if I have no other options. Please help!
maria_05893 feelbroken
Brenee feelbroken
There's a possibility that it's not herpes.
cici02230 Brenee
Can you please see my most recent post? I'm super worried I might have an std!!!
angelia81523 lacy33263
hazel1234 feelbroken
Hello! I think i also contracted herpes through my boyfriend. And I am so worries right now. In the beginning I felt pain and I went to the doctor and he said I had vaginal tears. After 2 days that's when I felt the blisters and now thet are full blown all over my anus and perineal area and one inside the perianal area. I will go back to the doctor tomorrow to have them checked and get swabs. It is painful when I pee and there is water inside. This is extremely embarrassing and now my bf broke up with me he said he never had any symptoms. Im afrad I kihht never have a meaningful relatuonship aftwr this.
cici02230 hazel1234
ashley25568 feelbroken
jessica98463 cici02230
Hey hun! This just looks like irritation from shaving (ingrown hairs). Stop shaving for a while and see if it improves. Then when you do shave, never go against the growth of the hair and if your hair is longer, trim it first before you shave. If you want a really clean look with no hair down there, it's Best to get waxed by a professional. From my experience though, this should go away after a few days and definitely within the week. Wear cotton panties and comfy pants for a while to decrease extra friction/irritation. If it does not go away, improve with no shaving for a while, or gets worse, it would best to get it checked out by your doctor. When it doubt, get it checked by a professional! I realize your post is from a while ago but I hope you got this figured out! Best of luck! I know stressful it is to have anything "abnormal" or that we aren't used to going on "down there".
cassie1974 cici02230
cici02230 cassie1974
Hi, the "blister on the inner part went away after a few days, but even after stopping shaving I still have a few red spots - not bumps anymore. I have a feeling they will go away in time!
cici02230 cassie1974
I honestly wouldn't be too worried until it's painful to pee, or there's actual sores around your vagina or sores that are releasing pus/dried over
Smccain feelbroken
For the past maybe 2-3 months I've had a reoccurring 'sore' on the inside of my vaginal opening. It's a single sore and doesn't itch or hurt. It does itch when I wipe after peeing. It will last about 2-3 days then go away for a few weeks and then I will get another. I had a pap a few months back and she said I had a little yeast but the sore was already gone by then so it couldn't be seen or tested. I've done a lot of research about HSV2 and none of my symptoms match except the sore looks similar to a busted blister. I never had any original "outbreak" and it's never more than one. My husband and I both get Cold Sores and read that HSV2 can be transmitted through oral sex, I'm hoping that's not the case, but I'm paranoid that that's what has happened.
Browneyedbeauty b32193
andrea15380 yournotalone
alma53129 Sam15196
MISS7897 feelbroken
lucy2468 jendlo34
I wondered if you could tell me qhat it is you had in the end. Iv been with my partner for almost 5 and half years now and i have recently just starting getting some symptons. i went to the clinic and doctor and said that its thursh and BV but tested me for GH to be in the safe so. in so so so worried.
vanessa12021 feelbroken
Louise345712 cici02230
No Hun, that's just a shaving rash, don't worry, look up pictures of herpes and shaving rash and you'll see the difference x
sbkay yournotalone
YadiraM2017 maria_05893
Did u ever find out the results. I have something very similar to this. The anticipation is killing me. I got it checked but must wait 10 days. Hope u answer before. Thank u
kayla_85864 lacy33263
I have something similar to this after having rough sex. I'm waiting for my std test results. But did you ever figure out what this was? Was it herpes?
Rc1557 ashleylee
It's herpes for sure. Sorry girl. You have a gift for like now.
mary67336 ashleylee
a35858 cici02230
Did you find out what this was? I have exactly the same
Rc1557 a35858
It's herpes.
nikki33675 maria_05893
nikki33675 cici02230
Hello, I'm new on here and was just wondering where your bump or sore was located?
michelle30473 maria_05893
Mistykel brittany39066
anita88422 hazel1234
Hey please I need help and I'm very worried. I had sex and 2 days later I had tears in between my vagina lips. I was told it was vagina tears from rough sex so I didn't think anything of it that it'll go on it's own. Then three days after the tears I found open sores around the sides of my vagina. They're very itchy and painful. There are also sores in my anus and on my vagina lips now. I'm scared and I don't know what to do. Whether they might be herpes or not
paula04940 nikki33675
I have bumps like that, they started on my chest. The first dermatologist I saw said it was acne and treated it as tho it was. It didn't help and I started getting the bumps in other areas and went to another dermatologist who did a biopsy. It came back as Prurigo Nodularis. So find a good dermatologist and insist on a biopsy. If the first dermatologist had done a biopsy it would have saved me several years of sores, itches, and pain.
Burns1986 cici02230
Divinedevil feelbroken
I have a blister on my vaginal lip but close to my butt cheek I get 1 or 2 every now and then its not painful and there's no discharge it literally just feels like a blister. I thought it was from shaving because im a bigger girl and tend to cut myself while trying to get in creases and folds and the blisters are always around where I manage to cut myself while shaving.
sally94148 lacy33263
sm2b16 maria_05893
melwel feelbroken
Hi I noticed you have been helping and I hope you can help me.
I shaved (didn't trip before) and had sex on protected vaginal sex on Sunday May 21 and I felt a little sore down there as the sex was a bit rough. I think I felt a raw spot when I shaved which has happened before especially when I hadn't shaved in a while which I hadn't. Now yesterday May 30 I discovered some sort of group of little bumps on my butt cheek. They don't hurt on their own, only when I touch it. I have no pains or anything and I don't feel ill.
I was grabbing the area near there on my butt cheek last night so I could see properly in the mirror and they popped. And some clear fluid came out.
Woke up this morning and looking down there again and it isn't scabbing or anything but now the lymph nodes in my groin are swollen. Is this herpes?
Steampixie1985 brittany39066
I was like you didn't break out until I was with my fiancé for three years. He tested clean. I read some herpes infected people don't have symptoms and don't show outbreaks right away. If your husband has cold sores and have you oral sex he can give you type one.
leena15798 feelbroken
I'm so frustated and scared. Like all people I've google a ton of pictures and either talked myself in or out of whatevr it is thats wrong . On one end I look at pictures and im not experiencing major sites or anything but I'm not naive to the fact that it could still be herpes.
My symptoms have gone like this about 2 months ago. I'm my period I began to fill this burning I'm only the left side of the in part of my vagina. It was red tender and no sore but it seen like right at the lining I can see thats it's irriated. And then at the bottom it was like a lump at the bottom. Not knowing any better i thought that my tampon irriated the area stopusing the tampon and it went away in few days . I forgot to mention it burns to per but on passing on that side
It went away I had sex a few weeks later nothing happened and then I had sex a month after that and a day later the samd happened again
I talked to a girlfriend It mine and she says that it could be a bartholin cyst?
The second time It was no redness just irrited.
Any one think it's herpes. I'm so scared
charmaine85283 Steampixie1985
My bf had cold sore on his lips and we had oral sex does that mean he gave me herps??? And I have some sores side of Virginia now, it's been going on for a while now in between each other's, every few months the cold sore comes back on his lips and the sore under me
ml66uk charmaine85283
The cold sore virus is HSV-1, and genital herpes is HSV-2. It's possible to get cold sore viruses around the genitals, but it wouldn't actually be what we normally think of as genital herpes.
If you've had a sore coming and going for that long though, then I'd get checked out. You could either see your GP, or if you're in the UK, you could go to a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic - google "GUM clinic near me" for details.
If you could update this thread and tell us what the doctors say, it would be appreciated. Good luck.
Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor.
claudia311 ashley25568
Did you ever get tested for this??? I have the exact same looking thing, they started out as razor cuts and now they look like canker sores and they've spread, I'm so scared
They're randomly scattered so I'm just praying it isn't herpes, can anyone help??
kay1120 feelbroken
I know this thread is old but I cannot get an appointment anywhere for another week and I'm freaking out and I'm desperate so I hope someone can help a bit.
I had sex with a new partner May 30. We were pretty drunk and I know I gave him a condom to use but the next day I found it still wrapped under my pillow (ugh, men) In June I had a sore throat and was diagnosed with bronchitis. My vagina was itchy and and had some bumps but I shave almost daily so I'm used to razor burn.
Fast forward to this week after shaving I saw a cluster of small bumps under the skin and a few large bumps/pimples with red or white heads. I tried to pop one but nothing came out and it became irritated and painful to the touch. It has not scabed over and it's been 3 days. I've also been itchy on and off for months but I originally thought it was jock itch/razor burn. I also have the same bumps scattered on my butt but they are not painful or even itchy, just there.
It does not burn when I pee and I haven't had any unusual discharge. Of course with google I have talked myself in and out of a bunch of different scenarios and I don't think I can keep doing this for another full week until I can see a doctor
Does this look like herpes or folliculitis or something else? Thank you for ANY information. I'm in a full blown panic
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ag88659 maria_05893
ag88659 maria_05893
anxiety_77098 feelbroken
Hi, I noticed how helpful you are and how strong you are. I really admire how calm and pacient you are.
I've been having some unusual differences in my genitals for one month exactly now. I have an outbreak of seem to be flat blisters. They are like small abrasions but are coated with thin epithelial tissue. They aren't liquid filled, aren't painful they don't crust over either they just stay as flat blisters until they go away. But what else could it be except herpes. I got STD checked for chlamydia gonarreah hepatitis A & B HIV and herpes and they all came back negative. What else could it be ? The blisters seem to go away within 3 days a week at the longest. I use bacterial ointment that seems to help them clear faster. They appear individually, first time it was many the others it's always two. And they repeat as soon the previous ones clear. I have had three outbreaks so far since July 6. What could this be ? Is it herpes and I just got misdiagnosed? Also when they do appear I don't get any sickness any warning signs except one tender lymphnode
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